Text to Speech Voices

The system and the belief in this generation have made many people, the youth inclusive, believe that money is everything. The happenings in the world are giving false belief that everything is all about money. This new order of belief is part of what is giving birth to the systemic failure we are experiencing in our world today. Everybody is out there now to outsmart one another; some civil servants are not ready to serve again, they are there to cheat the system and the people they are to serve, many public holders are not there again to serve the people, they are in office to serve their pockets and their bank accounts. 

We are not saying money is bad or working for money or having the ambition to become rich is a sin but putting money above your soul and everything else is a sin; putting money above humanity is a sin. 1 Timothy 6vs10 says “For the love of money is the root of all evil which some coveted after; they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”. 

Many youths are running after money today because of the belief that everything is money, and in the process, many have entered into an evil covenant with the devil, the majority have entered into a depression state when many could not manage the depressive stage again, they have graduated into doing drugs. 

Many of the people who are trapped in this false belief are also Christians and many are quick to quote Ecclesiastes 7vs12 which says “Money is a defense” without trying to do a holistic analysis of the passage. The passage says in full “For wisdom is a defense, and money is a defense: but the Excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it”. The passage above says wisdom will give more than defense, it says wisdom will give life. 

The reason many are running after money is because they did not acquire the first and the automated defense which is wisdom. Proverbs 4vs7 says “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting gets understanding”. If you get money without using wisdom to back it up, you will be falling into crisis and challenges. 

You need wisdom to build Godly character, this is because money without Godly character will not last. Your character is what will frame the perception of people about you. Your character will give birth to the name people will be calling you, it will give true meaning to your person. 

Wisdom will help you to build your choice of words. 1 Corinthians 15vs33 says “Be not deceived; evil communication corrupts good manners”. Do not join the League of Youth and people who believe they can just communicate (use words) unguided, they believe because there is money in their pockets and bank accounts, they can just ride on people the way they please. Wisdom is the principal thing, wisdom is the primary defense while money is just secondary, and wisdom will teach you good manners and how to manage your money correctly. 

“Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father, but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance” Proverbs 29vs3. Wisdom will help you to choose the right company, not your money. Your money will attract those who love you and hate you at the same time but wisdom will aid you in choosing the right people who will help you in the journey of life and purpose. 

CONCLUSION: It is saddening that many youths in this generation now believe that money is everything, but the truth is, money without Godly character, without sweetening words, without wisdom and Godly association is dangerous and can be disastrous. 

As you are working and striving to get money, ensure you buy wisdom and sell it not. Proverbs 23vs23. Jesus is the wisdom that is greater than the wisdom of this world. If you want to outshine by outrunning your equal, you need to embrace Jesus because he is the only one who can teach you how to make and build lasting wealth.