

Ezekiel 37:7 (KJV) - So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.


1. Oh Lord my God as from today, I enter into the realm of my divine manifestation in Jesus' name.

2. Father Lord, my long-expected miracles shall come to pass in Jesus' name.

3. My Father my Maker, my prayers will not be rejected and my testimonies will no more be delayed in Jesus' name.

4. Oh Lord, whatever represents dry bones in my life, receive the breath of Jehovah in Jesus' name

5. Oh God, take me out of the valley and set my feet upon the rock for a Victory in my life in Jesus' name.

Your time is now 🙏

Good morning