1 Chronicles 21:1 - And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Many of us have been influenced to do things in our favour and sometimes in favour of others, just as Eve was influenced in the garden. Do you know you might be doing those under satanic influence and provocation?
Sometimes when God instructs you to do some things, you decline. I am glad to tell you that going against God's instructions, is a pointer that Satan has conquered you. If he influenced the King, Judas Iscariot, and others, you might be on his watch list too, please be warned. You will not be conquered in Jesus' name.

1. Lord, I refused to be influenced by every Satanic trick on me in Jesus' name.

2. O Lord, give me a heart that is completely sold out to you in honesty in Jesus' name.

3. Lord, I will never be men pleaser to offend you in any way in Jesus' name.

4. Father, please humble me to be submissive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and not my own will in Jesus' name.

5. Father, Satan will not write the last chapter of my life in Jesus' name.

Your time is now🙏.
Good morning.