english text to speech voices


‭Psalms 42:1 (NKJV‬) - As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.

The point of the call this morning is to ask the Lord to increase your zeal and desires for the Lord.
David the Psalmist compares this desire to how the animal called deer will always pant for water for sustainability.
A man's relationship with his maker should be so close like air we breathe.
Your longing for God should not be for what you will gain but for God's glory and HIS pride. God wants to be proud of you and me, which is when we align with him daily.
May your heart daily desire God.

1: Let the fresh hunger for God overwhelm you in Jesus' name.

2: May Grace for unstoppable longing into God's presence rest on you in Jesus' name.

3: A renewed divine thirst, causing you to drink from the well of righteousness rests on you in Jesus' name.

4: May ashes give way to a fresh fire in your walk with God now and always in Jesus' name.

5: More of God, HIS presence, and instructions in your life in Jesus' name.

Your time is now
Good morning.