Romans 8:37 (KJV) - Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

The love of Christ towards us cannot be qualified, in that while we were yet sinners He died for us.
The scripture this morning is an affirmation of our conquest through Christ's Love for us, and not by our works
It therefore means that we have been made conquerors in all things.

This morning I want you to see through the love of Jesus for you as a guarantee that you win. May you be more than conqueror indeed.
God bless you.

1. May you overcome every obstacle on your way in Jesus' name.

2. May the Lord grant you courage in the days of adversity in Jesus' name

3. May the love for God increase in your life in Jesus' name.

4. The Lord gives you testimony that you never bargained for in Jesus' name.

You are more than conquerors in Jesus. name

Your time is now
Good morning.