1 Peter 5:10 - But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.


No matter what you are going through, there is always an end to it. This was demonstrated by Jesus towards us all, that when we were deep in the ocean of sin, and tortured by Satan, grace did his perfect work. Therefore, difference between you and the man without is the grace of God which Christ represents. You have been called out of labouring and trying to work things out into the realm where things are worked out for you. I am saying grace is the one looking out for you and will surely speak for you. Therefore, allow the grace of God take his full place in you and all yours. Hallelujah!!!

1: May you enjoy the grace of God everywhere you find yourself in Jesus' name.

2: The Lord back you up in the fulfillment of your destiny and make smooth your life's journey in Jesus' name.

3: Grace to always be right on time wherever you are supposed to be, rest on you in Jesus' name.

4: Receive grace to overcome the issues of life now, in Jesus' name.

5: Receive grace to access deeper things in God in Jesus name.

Your time is now
Good morning.