

Psalm 119:89 (KJV) - For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

Every believer must be joyful for the privilege they have in God, through Jesus His only begotten son who is the word that became flesh to dwell among us.

He being the head of the church, the head of all principalities and power has prevailed, because the world was made by him and for Him.
This same Jesus is the settled word in Heaven.
The crux of it all is that, if Jesus is settled, then everything about you, be it health, marriage, career, name it, is settled now and forever. Whatever is settled in heaven is a testimony on the earth.

1. Father Lord, I receive the spirit of faith to activate my testimony in Jesus' name.

2. My Father my maker, since your word is settled, let my WORLD be settled in Jesus' name.

3. My Father my God, put an end to every trace of fear in my life in Jesus' name.

4. Father Lord, I will end well in life for your glory In Jesus' name.

Your time is now🙏
Good morning.