
Your past cannot be a determinant of how you will be loved, you might have made bad choices before, you might have lived a marginal life in the past, or maybe your heart has been broken and shattered by people you trusted in the past. Have you exchanged your dignity with the pleasure of the moment? Is your heart telling you that you can never be loved by Jesus Christ, or are you saying you have gone far and deep that your life cannot be meaningful again? These are all lies from the pit of hell, Jesus loves you and he is mindful of you. 

Why will you say your life is not worth saving; Jesus came because of you. Matthew 15vs24. Jesus did not die for the saints but for sinners, he went to the cross and gave up his life so that he could gain you into the family of God. For God’s love to touch you, and to make an impact in your life, you have to believe in his love. You have to graduate from the level of merely saying that God is love and that he loves you, you need to believe with your heart that God loves you and believe that you are the recipient of God’s love. 

John 3vs16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. You need to know and understand that you are part of the world mentioned in the passage above, you are very important to God's mandate here on earth. You do not need a special qualification to access the love of the father for your life; all you need to do is for you to come to him just as you are. Like a prodigal son in the book of Luke chapter fifteen. He understood that he had left the love of his father, and he also knew that love is always available; all he needed to do was to stand up and go to his father for an embrace. 

God needs your contrite and broken spirit. You must be ready to confess, repent, and submit entirely to his will and commandments. You must be willing to be dependent on him just like what the prodigal son did. Luke 15vs17-18. 

Arise and approach your father (God), ask him for his forgiveness, and table your requests to him. Matthew 7vs7-8. The prodigal son sought and asked for the love of his father, and he received it with great celebration, you too can seek the face of your maker today; talk to the Holy Spirit to help you to access God the Father. God’s love is always available, God is waiting for you to come back home, the table is ready, and all the guests are expecting your arrival, do not postpone the date again because tomorrow may be too late. 

Seek help from the Holy Spirit because you cannot make this move by your own power, you need the Holy Spirit to direct you in this matter because he will not lead you astray. You may think you are not ready, but now is the time you have to make this decision that will forever transform your life for good. 

God loves you so much; you may not know or realize that now until you take that step to embrace him. No matter how terrible and messed up your life has been, you need to know that God’s love for you is unconditional. God still loves you no matter what men may be saying or what your mind is saying right now, they are just lies of the devil to deceive you, God loves you, and He wants you to come as you are to him. He has the capacity and fresh oil to transform you into a new being. He loves you but hates the sin in your life, that is why you need to come and let go of your load of sin at the feet of the cross of Jesus Christ today in exchange for a new you. 2 Corinthians 5vs17.  Come to the place of redemption today for the cleanses blood of Jesus Christ that can make you white like snow. God Loves You.