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Make the word of God your companion. You need to study and meditate on the word of God always; because biblical meditation helps you to focus on essential bible passages that give revelations for your freedom. Joshual 1vs8, 2 Timothy 2vs15. Many passages in the Bible can help you in your process of healing from addiction.

When you study and meditate on the word of God, it helps you to deepen your knowledge of God, and clarify his plans for your life, and you will be receiving personal revelations about your life and future. The word of God offers you guidance, wisdom, and correction to live a more fulfilling life.

Ensure you always feed your soul and spirit with songs of praise and worship, and with hymns. This is because the songs of praise and worship soothe the troubled minds and souls of addicts. Praise and worship, and hymns offer spiritual nourishment and contribute to your improvement of your mental health.

Hymns and songs of praise and worship are often great tools for breaking free from withdrawal symptoms, and they also help you to overcome your struggles against addiction. When you immerse yourself in them, they help you find strength and hope and encourage you to persevere on your path to recovery. Ephesians 5vs19, Colossians 3vs16.

Be contented and be grateful always. The Bible says “But godliness with contentment is great gain”. 1 Timothy 6vs6. Contentment is the key to having a happy life.

Discontentment is one of the tools that the devil is using to lure people to seek pleasure elsewhere than in the presence of God and what God has given to them. When you are contented, the fire of sorrow in your heart will be quenched. 

Being grateful is a powerful and great tool in your healing and overcoming process. Practicing and expressing gratitude to God and the people around you will nurture your mental health, and help you to cultivate a godly character in life. Your being grateful will enhance contentment, and will also strengthen you against sinful activities, such as drugs, alcohol, etc that can harm your well-being.

If you engage in gratitude, you will discover the true meaning of the blessings of God in your life both big and small; and it will give you the experience of Joy that comes from a deeper relationship with God. 

CONCLUSION: Overcoming addictions requires a sincere desire to get well and a sincere surrounding to the will of God for help because Satan does not easily give up on his prey, but nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1vs37.

You need to believe and have faith in the great Physician through the power in the name and the blood of Jesus Christ, who can drive out evil spirits from the deepest recesses of your soul. Acts 16vs18, Philippians 2vs10-11. You are powerless on your own to defeat the bondage of addiction, but with the name of Jesus Christ and God’s love, you can break loose from this bondage and begin to live a victorious life. 

You can come out of the mental health issues and spiritual prison that pornography, masturbation, gluttony, social media, lust, illicit sex, gambling, drugs, violent behavior, etc have put you in today if you surrender your life to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. All you need to do is cry to him for help, dedicate your life to him, and make a conscious effort to forsake your evil ways and be intentional about it, and he will help you. Matthew 11vs28-30, James 4vs7, John 3vs16-17, Hebrew 4vs15-16, Psalms 50vs15, Psalms 95vs8, Philippians 4vs13.