John 14:16 (KJV) - And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever

We have become the most privileged because of the love of God.
From the beginning, God so loved the world and gave His son for us, and He further gave an administrator to lead us in the way, not only that, this administrator (The Holy Spirit) is to comfort us on every side.
Therefore, everyone who claimed to be children of God and missed out on these benefits will end up in woes.
You are meant to enjoy the comforter while on earth, engage Him in all things and He will not let you down.

1. Father Lord, help me to enjoy the ministry of the comforter in Jesus' name.

2. Father Lord, give me a listening ear and a submissive heart to the Holy Ghost in Jesus' name.

3. My Father, my Father, let me not grieve your Holy Spirit in Jesus' name.

4. Oh dear Lord, take not your comforter from me in Jesus' name.

Your time is now 🙏
Good morning.