LOOK: Have an eye that can see and recognize good things always. Look out for opportunities wherever you go. Let your eyes be opened to new opportunities. For instance, David, in the book of 1 Samuel 17vs32-37 did not see Goliath as a threat but he saw him as an opportunity to climb the ladder of greatness. Every challenge you face in your journey of destiny, there are always opportunities hidden, look for them and turn them around for your good purpose. 

EMBRACE CHANGE: Many organizations have packed off because they could not embrace the reality of the new world. Have a change of tactics; be flexible in what you do, so that it will be easy to adapt to change easily. Move with new things; embrace information technology to achieve your set goals and expectations. 

NEVER GIVE UP: Proverbs 24vs10 says “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small”. You need to be strong in this journey of greatness because you will be faced with many disappointments, many failures, and many ups and downs, but your courage and never give up attitude will help you to overcome. Do not give up, be strong and be encouraged always. Joshua 1vs6, Joshua 10vs25. The journey of excellence in greatness takes courage and a never-give-up attitude. 

CONFIDENCE: Have confidence in yourself; let the belief in you and what you can do be strong. Never allow anyone to box or boss you. Do not give up, do not allow anyone to fit you in. This was the attitude of David, he did not allow his brother to box or boss him. With confidence, he presented himself to King Saul. 1 Samuel 17vs31-37. 

EMPOWER OTHERS: The truth is, you are not great if your greatness is not touching others or making others great. You need to impact people around you, most especially the young ones around you, because they will be the mouth that will announce your greatness and your excellence.

After the character of excellence, there is a need for you to work with the keys of excellence because that is what will birth your greatness. If you attain greatness without these key elements in your life, you may not be able to sustain that greatness. 

The first key is integrity. You must have integrity, and show integrity in whatever you do. Genesis 39vs2-9. Being a good example and being steadfast is an act of integrity. Be a good example in all that you do because, when the going gets tough, your integrity will speak for you. Genesis 40vs1-23, Genesis 41vs1-44. be continued