
According to Job in the third chapter of the book of Job, he said, what he feared the most has come to pass in his life. The truth is, the devil, the tempter will only work through your weakness to tempt you. Satan went through the weakness of Job. Every man has certain weaknesses that need to be identified and dealt with; but the truth is, a weakness for one person may not be a weakness for another person. That is why the book of Ephesians 4vs23 says, we should be renewed in the spirit of mind. For you to overcome temptation, you have to put your flesh under control by daily renewing your mind; constantly and having a fresh Godly mental and spiritual attitude towards life; this can be achieved when you give yourself to reading, studying, and meditation on the word of God. With this, you will gradually bury the nature of man, and put on the nature of God. Ephesians 4vs22-24.

The book of Hebrews 4vs15 says, “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin”. Temptation itself is not a sin. That you are being tempted do not mean you have sinned; it is when you fall for temptation that you have crossed into sin.

God allows temptation for us to identify areas in our lives where we are weak and need him (God) to change us. When we manage temptation very well, we will be able to dig deep into the word of God to help our weakness and to draw us closer to God.

There are many things you can do to overcome temptation. The first thing is that you must give yourself to prayer continually as a Christian. When you pray constantly, the fleshly activities in your body get weaker. Prayer will help you to yield more to the spirit than to flesh. Ephesians 6vs18, Luke 18vs1.

You need to also take a step further by asking God to help you. Matthew 7vs7-8. You must constantly ask God to help you to overcome temptation, let him know that you are weak, that you need his help to overcome your weakness that always propels temptation. James 4vs2. This book of James says you fall into all these troubles because you ask not. Ask God always to help you in your weakness.

You need to also run away from everything any anything that always trigger temptation in your life. Consciously and intentionally depart (run) away from whatever the tempter (devil) is using to trigger temptation in your life. 1 Thessalonian 5vs22. The Bible says flee, he never says you should rebuke or romance; running is another step to victory in the realm of the spirit. If you want to be victorious, learn to run. 1 Corinthians 10vs13.

CONCLUSION: Believing is another key to your victory. Believe in the power of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and believe that God has given you victory over 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ the son of God died on the cross for you and me. To believe is to have faith in God. Hebrew 11vs1. Although, the system of the world will say you should believe it when you see it, but the system of the kingdom (God) says you must believe it first before you can receive it.

When you believe in God and his Word and cooperate with His Spirit, you will see yourself working victoriously over every form of temptation. Speak the word of God over every situation by claiming your victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 4vs17. Jesus loves you, stand up and embrace his love for you.