

Philippians 3:14 - I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

There are lots of things going on by way of distractions, programmed by the devil to make you lose your faith.
Some children of God have denied the faith, some fall into the gimmick of the false prophets, some hunger, some inability to endure some conditions, etc, and so making them deny Christ in a grand style.
This call is for you never to give up, just as the Apostle Paul confessed.
There is a need to press more in faith to the high calling of Christ so as not to be a victim of Satan's coup, heaven is counting on you.

1. Lord, I receive the grace to press forward in my faith walk in Jesus' name.

2. Father Lord, I receive grace never to lose focus on the cross in Jesus' name.

3. Father Lord, let me be spiritually sensitive in Jesus' name.

4. Holy Ghost, I will not trade my salvation for any reason in Jesus' name.

Your time is now 🙏
Good morning.