Text to Speech


Text: [Matt.10.30] - But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Our text this morning shows that we have a Father who knows all parts of our body. Even, the hairs that grow on our heads. I don't think there's anyone who could boldly say, this is the figure of hairs on my head. But, if seeing someone who numbered the hairs of your head, you should know that such a person cares so deeply for you. It means He places much value on you.
Therefore, worry less about that situation because what you never thought important in your body is watched on by God, He really cares.

1. Oh Lord by your grace today, I enjoy divine security in Jesus' name.

2. Father Lord, let your hand of mercy grant me my inheritance among the sanctified in Jesus' name.

3. Oh Lord, help me to put my trust in you continually in Jesus' name.

4. Father by your mercy, I have all things, I lack nothing, supply my needs according to your riches by Christ Jesus.

Your time is now.
Good morning.