Mark 6:5 AMP - And He could not do a miracle there at all [because of their unbelief] except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.

We serve a mighty God who will always do mighty things. One of the hindrances to God's miracle is unbelief. Even Jesus The Word made flesh could not do much because of their unbelief. What is your mindset towards the spoken word? Everyone who will enjoy the mighty works of Jesus must examine their mind. Proverbs 4:23 says (keep your heart with all diligence ...)
Henceforth, might works will be revealed in your life.

1. My Father my Father, remove every unbelief in my life and let my prayers ascend to you in Jesus' name.

2. O Lord, I enjoy miracles now and always in Jesus' name.

3. Father Lord, I will not be a hindrance to my prayers in Jesus' name

4. My Father my Father, I confess that I will do exploit in life and my glory will shine in Jesus' name.

Your time as come🙏
Good morning