In the previous part of this message, we were able to point out the enemies that need to be silenced for us to make significant progress in life. Talking about enemies, we are not talking about evil forces but we are talking about those attitudes or characters you have to do away with, we are talking about ways of life or lifestyles that you have to bury if you must fulfill your God-given purpose on earth. 

For instance, Samson in the Bible could not fully fulfill his purpose because he refused to silence the enemy called fornication. He allowed the weakness to mortgage his life. Judges 13vs3-5. Samson was commissioned as a deliverer, he was ordained to deliver the children of Israel from the hand of the Philistines but he could not achieve that purpose because he allowed the enemies called fornication and disobedience to silence him. Judges 16vs23-31. 

You must silence your weakness now before it destroys the purpose and promises of God for your life. Moses was promised by God that he is the one that would lead the children of Israel to the Promised Land but that promise was aborted because Moses allowed anger to override him. Numbers 20vs2-13. Moses did not silence that enemy called anger, and he allowed it to kill him. 

In continuation from part one of this message, let us continue to look at those enemies of progress you have to permanently silence if you must make meaningful progress in life.

Lack of seed sowing is another enemy of progress that you will have to terminate:

The rule about this world is sowing and reaping, even the bible makes it clear that for you to enjoy the benefits of heaven you need to follow the rule of sowing. Psalms 107vs37-39. You need to invest in your tomorrow and the life of people around you. Sow what you want into the life of people because it will surely come back to you. For instance, for God to gain the world he sowed Jesus Christ, His only begotten son; for you to make progress in life, you need to learn the act of sowing. Ecclesiastes 11vs6, Psalms 126vs5. 

Lack of prayer is another thing that you must do away with:

There is a need for you to know that prayer is the fertilizer that makes your seed of progress to germinate. With your prayer, you can control everything around and about your life. 1 Thessalonians 5vs17.

When you pray, there will be a revelation for your next action. Prayer gives you the power to command the atmosphere (both physically and spiritually). Luke 10vs2. If you want to make meaningful progress in life, you need to put on the clothes of prayer as a child of God.

Lack of humility is an enemy of progress:

Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived on the surface earth in our anchor Bible passage said you should go to the Ants; it will only take a humble person to go and learn an act of living from the Ants. If you want to remain relevant in life, you must remain humble. Job 22vs29. If you want to go far in the journey of purpose, you must remain humble. Proverbs 29vs23, James 4vs6. be continued