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God is love personified. Love is not just His attribute, He is love in person. His works prove the depth of His love for mankind (Psalm 8:1-8). His love for man was so great that it cost Him the death of His only Son, so as to redeem man from eternal destruction. Man is doomed, condemned and on the way to eternal destruction, but the love of the Father brings about salvation to man. He redeemed the soul of man and put His spirit to guarantee that we are His forever only if we believe in His only begotten Son. 

The book of John 3:16 establishes the truth that qualifies for being the beloved of the Father. And it is the belief in the only begotten Son of the Father, Jesus Christ. 

You can lay claim on all He has made, for it’s for you to enjoy. (1 John 3:21-22)

As a beloved of the Lord, you are surrounded by His love. He becomes your shepherd to feed, guide and shield you (Psalm 23:1). You can be sure you won’t miss your steps (Psalm 119:165). He guides and leads you by the still waters, he restores your soul.

He gives you counsel and leads you on the right path to take (Psalm 32:8). He gladly teaches the proper path so as not to go astray. With His right counsel on your obedience, you can’t miss your target (Psalm 25:8-12) 

You can be sure of rest in a green pasture. (Psalm 23:2)

Assurance of strength as you journey through life (Isaiah 40:28). The joy of knowing and believing that God has every detail of your life in His hands brings strength in times of trouble. (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 32:7). 

The beloved of the Lord can be sure of divine prosperity and all-around wealth (3 John 1:2).

He gives power and the ability to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). It is the blessing of the Lord that makes one rich (Proverbs 10:22). No amount of hard labor can give all round prosperity if the Lord is not in it. Only Jesus blesses with riches and doesn’t add sorrow. Your toiling or struggles or hustling add nothing to the wealth that God truly gives. So you can be sure as you plant your seeds, He sends dew from heaven to bless it and ensure a great harvest. 

The hope of the Lord’s beloved is never dashed. (Proverbs 10:24; 23:18)

The beloved of the Lord is guaranteed long life (Proverbs 10:27, Psalm 91:16). You won’t die before your time.

You can even remain in right standing with Him, it’s your heritage if only you’ll not cut off the cord that binds you together. He leads in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake not because you are perfect.

The inheritance of the beloved is numerous and each detailed in His word if only you can agree to the term of the covenant.

If you are yet to make this decision, He is standing at the door of your heart right now (Revelation 3:20). Patiently waiting for you to open to Him. Give up struggling, you can’t figure it out on your own. Release the burden; He is good at carrying it. Your own shoulder isn’t built for it. Allow Him and find rest for your soul. What an undeserved love for man.

If you have made this personal decision, I congratulate you; it’s the best you can ever make in your life. It’s the decision that guarantees life here and after. By that decision, you have been made upright with God and all He has belongs to you.