
Joy is a permanent presence, an ever-flowing stream that emerges from the depths of God's heart; it is neither transient nor just a passing feeling. This joy, which is woven into the very fabric of salvation, is what gives us strength and acts as an anchor through life's turbulent waves. 

Inviting us to participate in the divine exchange, Psalm 51:12 speaks to our spirits, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." This precious sentence gives us a glimpse of the core of God's redemption plan: the restoration of joy unaffected by circumstances, joy that gives tired souls new vitality and gives every moment significance. 

This idea is expressed in Nehemiah 8:10, which declares, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." When faced with difficulties, it's simple to give in to hopelessness and let the world's weight break us. However, the joy of the Lord is an unwavering stronghold, a source of unshakeable strength that enables us to rise above adversity and press on toward the prize, like a beacon of hope piercing through the darkness. 

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls," 1 Peter 1:8–9 describes believers enraptured by the unfathomable joy found in Christ. These passages provide us a glimpse of the conclusion of our journey—the satisfaction of our most profound desires and the achievement of our ultimate goal. 

The joy that comes with the salvation package is based on God's constant nature and is not dependent on our circumstances. It is a pleasure that calls us to dance in the rain and sing in the storm, a joy that transcends the transitory and leads us into the eternal. It is a delight that erupts from the core of our being, permeating every area of our existence and casting a radiance that brightens even the darkest places. 

How then do we get to this joy? How can we open the priceless present of salvation and let the joy of it fill us up? The solution is to give up control and let God rule supreme in our hearts by surrendering. The depth of delight found only in His presence is experienced in the quiet periods of contemplation and the silent prayers made in the middle of the night. 

Let us always remember the gift that comes with salvation—the unspeakable joy that gets us through difficult times and moves us closer to our eternal home. May this joy be ours as we go through life. Let us welcome this delight with a faith befitting a child, letting it seep into every molecule of our being and change us from the inside out. 

Let us never forget the priceless gift of salvation and the endless joy it brings. May we hold on to the promises found in Scripture and let them lead us through the ups and downs of life. May we live in complete delight, knowing that we are incredibly loved, richly blessed, and safe in the arms of our heavenly Father for all eternity.