
No man can be called a winner unless he has fought and won a battle. This world is a battlefield, and only those who have fought and won can be called winners or successful.

Every man born in this world is a fighter. You have to fight to be announced in the journey of purpose, but when a man is born again, he has been repositioned to an ever-winning life.

As a child of God, you are seated as the winner; Satan has no authority to come near because you have been taken far above him—Ephesians 1vs21-22.

In Christ Jesus, you have been redeemed as a man and woman of great impact. Matthew  11vs11. You are destined to prosper and be blessed; but the truth is, you must meet the conditions for blessing before you can be blessed, this is because there is no provision in redemption without condition to meet. You must choose to meet the conditions for salvation before you can enjoy the joy of salvation.


It takes your dedication to God and his kingdom to be on the winning side. Dedication will bring you to the fullness of God's status. Matthew 6vs33. Having one leg in and one leg out will not take you anywhere, you need to choose which side you want to be on, and if you choose to be on the side of God (The winning side) your dedication to God and his work will determine if you truly are on the winning side. 

Faith is another condition to be met. Habakkuk 2vs4, Matthew 8vs5-13.Your faith is the access key to the camp of the winners. Your faith in God, his personality, and abilities must be in top gear just like that of the centurion man in the bible passage above, because nobody can receive anything from God without his or her faith intact. Hebrews 11vs6. 

You must be a giver if you must be on the winning side. You can give your way to your victory. 1 Samuel 30vs8-17. You need information on your way to victory and people of no value always carry the information you need most times. The guy who gave David and his men information about their enemies does not look like it, but the information given to them was instrumental to their victory.

Your giving must cut across every aspect of your life. It must be your lifestyle. You must be a giver to the work and the kingdom enlargement, give to your parents both biological and spiritual, and give to the widow and the less privileged around you. Sometimes, you can give to walk out of trouble, and you walk into your victory. 

You must have an understanding of the word of God. This is because, without the word, you cannot walk in victory. Joshua 1vs8. For every victory on the battlefield of life, there is or are instructions to be followed. Those who follow the instructions of life are called winners. For you to be on the winning side, you must obey instructions and the instructions can be seen in the word of God. Joshua 23vs26, Psalms 1vs1-3, 1 Timothy 4vs11-16. 

You have to be full of the Holy Spirit. John 16vs13. The Holy Spirit in you will be the one to guide you into your victory. Our Lord Jesus Christ had promised us the Holy Spirit (The Comforted) because he knew that in the journey of life, we will need a guide, we will need someone to lead us through the challenges on the battlefield of life. John 14vs26, John 15vs26. 

You have to be pure and holy. The word of God says without holiness no one can see the Lord. Holiness is another password to the city of the victorious. Psalms 24vs3-4. Holiness is a weapon to confront the devil and a strong tool to put your opponents (Enemies) down. When you live holy, it means you are wearing God as clothes because God is Holy. 1 Corinthians 3vs17, Psalms 99vs9. 

CONCLUSION: we are still going to look at some other sub-topics in the second part of this message which is why you have to stay tuned on this platform; but before we go now; do you know that victory is easier when you are walking with a victor? There is always peace and an assurance that you will win every battle that comes your way. Dear reader, I am introducing the Lord Jesus Christ to you because he is an ever victor and winner. He has won in the past and he is still winning, he has never lost a battle before and he will never lose any. Come to him today if you have never done that before so that he can guide you through the battlefield of life. be continued