One thing I have discovered about the Christian youth of this generation is, that they are tongues speaking but lacking fire and transformative power. They speak in tongues but their lives and characters are not pointing to God.

Many Christian youth of this generation claim to be holy and spirit-filled but their character and attitudes are demonic. They only bear the name Christian, but they have not truly encountered the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Many are just churchgoers but have not allowed the church (the message of the cross) to go through them.

Transformation can be in two forms; it can be negative transformation or positive. Negative transformation is moving from light or being a light into darkness. 1 Kings 11vs1-6. While positive transformation is moving from darkness into the great light. Acts 9vs1-19, Judges 6vs11-14.




A Transformed youth listens to the heartbeat of God always. 1 Samuel 3vs1-4.

This is a youth that is mindful of God in his or her dealings always. He always hears and follows God's instructions and commandments. He or she will not act until he or she hears from God; their passion is to be at the feet of the Lord always. That is a good example we can see in Samuel and Daniel in the Bible, their passion is to please God and not men because they have been transformed in the renewing of their minds. Romans 12vs1-3.


These are youths who have made up their hearts to listen to God's instructions. Isaiah 1vs19-20. They have graduated from the level of listening to instructions from God and moved to the level of acting it. They receive the commandments and they run with them. They will wait to ask questions on how it is going to work, they believe God for all his words.


A Transformed youth has nothing to do with Egypt again. James 4vs4.

These types of youth have nothing to do with the world system again. They had said goodbye to the world and its doing. Their focus is on heaven and the kingdom assignment, not on the things here on earth. Their priority is always to make God proud always.


A Transformed youth is a kingdom influencer. Matthew 28vs16-20.

They are not social media influencers, their goals and objectives is the kingdom of God, and how to take along as many as they can with them. Their desire always is to do the work of the kingdom of God through every medium available unto them.

They use all within their capacity to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ; they are true Ambassadors for Christ because they always show the love of God to people around them.


A Transformed youth sets goals and vision.

This set of youths does not live a carefree life, they live with purpose. They do not allow things to drive them, they are the ones driving things. A Transformed Youth will focus on his or her goals.

Their goals can be long-term goals (such that cover 10 years and above), medium-term goals (such that cover one year to five years), or short-term goals (that cover one month to one year period). A transformed youth sets goals for his or her career, goals for his marriage, academic, business, relationship, spiritual life, etc. They have a layout plan through which they want to achieve their goals, and they always strictly work with their mission statement without deviating.


A Transformed youth is full of the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5vs22-26.

These are youths that daily grow in the fruit of the spirit of God. They are more heavenly focus than the gift of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. They love God for who He is, not because of what they want to receive from him.

A youth that is full of the fruit of the spirit is a youth that is transformed in character, attitudes, words, dressings, form of association, etc. It is a youth whose life is a pointer to God and filled with the spirit of God. Acts 21vs8-9.