brazillian text to speech

Everyone who enjoys restoration cries out for help and never keeps quiet they are fed up with their situation. Are you not tired of your situation, how long would you keep romance with such endless pain? 

We all need to bring our pain to Jesus's feet I guess that’s where it belongs, whenever you get stuck in your past failure reach out to Jesus and trust He is closer to you than you ever thought but our enemy Satan whose duty is to steal, kill and destroy wouldn’t rest until he destroys but the only way out is to call out to Him who came so that you will get a life and more abundantly. His name is Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

You’re important.

1 Peter 2: 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;

How long would you let it continue given entrance to those negative voices about yourself? You just got to speak out aloud back to such a demonic voice that you’re a priesthood, peculiar person, I am precious to God and he sent His Son to die for me, I am not useless and my future is in Christ only.    

The worst situation that could happen to an individual is not knowing or understanding his or her value! like a team of eleven soccer players, everyone has a value on the soccer field and no one is more important than another. The same Blood that cleansed or washed your sin did wash the sin of your nation's president, your city mayor, governor, senator, and many other people you thought were better than you. 

Do you understand your importance in this team? Don’t feel less valued than others, you’re redeemed with the precious Blood of Jesus. Here in the USA, some people often regret that they were born into this great nation! Don’t be surprised I call it a great nation, however, there is a lot of stuff showing otherwise, and that will be for another time when I am permitted to speak about it. 

No matter the nation you are today, since you have been called out of darkness into  His marvelous light, you and I just need to align our understanding and vision into light and we should light up our surroundings and generation.  

David understood the importance of every man in his team, even when Amalekites invaded the Zikleg. And all their family members were taken away by the invaders. I Samual 30. When God instructed him he should pursue so he can recover all. Six hundred men started the journey but two hundred were tired and gave up. 

In life, there comes a moment when we get tired stressed out behind our limit, and give up on our career, family, marriage, and our nation. At that moment the good people on our team will reflect their trust character. 

Four hundred men who went after the enemies were able to get back their families also had great material benefits. David was a great leader who understood the role of teamwork. Those two hundred men that stay behind won't be part of sharing.  1 Samuel 30:21 "Then David went back to the two hundred men who had been too weak to go with him and had stayed behind at Besor Brook. They came forward to meet David and his men, and David went up to them and greeted them warmly. 22 But some mean and worthless men who had gone with David said, “They didn't go with us, and so we won't give them any of the loot. They can take their wives and children and go away.”23 But David answered, “My brothers, you can't do this with what the Lord has given us! He kept us safe and gave us victory over the raiders. 24 No one can agree with what you say! All must share alike: whoever stays behind with the supplies gets the same share as the one who goes into battle.” 25 David made this a rule, and it has been followed in Israel ever since.

You’re super important.