TTS Demo

The reality in our world today is that every nation and language in the world is looking for a solution to one problem or the other; the issue of recession, unemployment, crisis, war, high cost of living, and many more are the challenges that are facing my generation because many, most especially the youth could not absorb all these challenges, they are now looking for alternative route. They are looking for ways to outsmart the problems and challenges in our world today.

In the act of looking for a solution, many youths are now engaging in drugs, alcoholism, cultism and occultism, pre-marital sex, or sex for money and for living; and because all these do not really give a permanent solution to the issue at hand, majority of the people (including the youths) have entered into depression and oppression which has given birth to mental disorder among our youths.

We are all looking for fulfillment in life but we have forgotten that it is in Christ Jesus Alone that we can find God’s perfect and permanent solution to the problem of man. Acts 17vs28, Luke 2vs25-32.

Man in his own wisdom has employed all the wisdom of science and technology to solve the challenges facing his world but as man is finding a solution to one problem, that solution is always giving birth to another bigger problem. For instance, as man is advancing in the manufacturing of weapons of war, the more we keep having crises and wars raging in our world. Our identity as humans has been lost and that is why we now have human beings that are engaging in sexual relationships with animals to the extent that some people are now getting married with their pets.

For us to get our identity back as humans, we need to run back to God through Christ Jesus because it is In Christ Alone we can get our true identity. John 1vs 12, Matthew 5vs14.

The book of Matthew above says we are the light of the world, and one of the things that light does is that light brings joy. The joy that your world needs can only be given through Christ Alone. Luke 2vs10. Do you know that clubbing and drugs cannot give you true joy, whatever joy you get through drugs or through your engagement in sexual activities with man or animals as youth is but for a moment, but permanent and lasting joy is in Christ Alone. It is only in Christ that you can find recovery of purpose and destiny. Mark 5vs1-20. God created you for a purpose; you are not created to be an instrument in the hand of Satan. When you find God, you will find your purpose.

Poverty is ravaging our world today and everybody is looking for a way out. Many books have been written on how to overcome poverty but there is no solution; the truth is, the grace to overcome poverty is in Christ alone. Luke 4vs16-18.

Jesus Christ has been sent to this world to give power and the key to overcoming poverty to men. God gave him the power and grace without measure and it is only those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour that can enjoy such power and grace to overcome poverty. John 3vs34. You have been struggling with the kind of life that you are living; deep inside of you, you are not pleased and happy with your way of life, and you are looking for better ways to live a meaningful life that will better your generation. It is only in Christ alone that you can receive the grace to live a righteous and holy life that will please God and humanity. John1vs16-17, John 8vs1-10. It is only in Christ alone that salvation can be found. Matthew 1vs21, Acts 10vs1-6, Acts 8vs26-38.

The more of Christ you know, the more of yourself you will know; the more of Christ you know, the more of His influence and His power you will possess. In Christ, Alone is true freedom. Romans 8vs2. Your life is not complete without Christ. Christ alone is the author of life and distributor of life.


  • In Christ alone, you get wisdom for living. Ecclesiastes 9vs16-18. When you have Christ in you, you will have wisdom for good results. Living in Christ gives extra grace that helps an ordinary man to do extraordinary things. Wisdom in Christ gives you a platform to perform. Let Christ be the ideal that you discuss because small people discuss people but big people discuss ideals; which is wisdom.
  • In Christ alone you get protection. Colossians 2vs10. It is only in Christ that you can be fully secured. Proverbs 18vs10, Psalms 105 vs15. You become untouchable and unmovable when you allow Christ to dominate your being. If you want protection from the Physical and spiritual war of life, seek Christ alone.
  • It is only In Christ you can receive abundant life. John 10vs10. Christ Jesus came to this world to destroy the works of the devil; his purpose is to give you life and abundance. What you need to do is to key into the life of Christ alone.
  • It is in Christ Alone that you can have victory over situations and challenges of life. 1 Corinthians 15vs 57, Romans 8vs37, John 5vs5. It is natural for battle to come but it is supernatural to have victory in Christ Jesus. It is only Christ alone that gives victory in all battles.
  • It is only in Christ that you get total and complete healing and power to do exploits. 1 Peter 2vs24, Mark 16vs 17-18. It is powerful to receive a miracle but more powerful to perform miracles. It is in Christ alone you will receive healing and the ability to heal others.

CONCLUSION:  Nothing can stop Jesus. If you do not have Jesus, the devil can eliminate your life, but when you have Jesus, nothing can stop you; when you have Jesus, you will have every good thing in life. If you cannot give God your attention, He will not make His intention known to your life; you remain ordinary raw material until Christ makes you a complete product. You as a raw material must get into the hand of the soul producer to turn you into what he intends to make you to be.

Do you know that it is very possible to be around Christ without being in Christ? It is only in Christ that you can find rest for your soul, and it is only in Christ you can receive the power and ability to be whatever you want to be in life. John 15vs5.