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As a Christian youth, you need to understand that sometimes for you to receive anything from God, you need to get it with something. Looking critically at the book of 2 Kings 4vs1-7, a clear picture of what we are saying will be seen there. The widow in that passage came to the man of God (Prophet Elijah) with fear, because a creditor that her husband owed before he died had come to threatened to take her two sons as slaves unless she paid the debt owed; but her breakthrough came when she used what she had to secure her miracle. The question from the man of God to her was “What hast thou in the house”. Immediately she answered the question, the man of God told her what to do by using what she had to secure what she wanted.

Many have been praying repeatedly on a particular thing, but the expected result has not shown up, because they refused to take the necessary steps. We are saying that, for you to secure your miracle from God, you need to go to him with your faith. Mark 5vs24-34. The woman with the issue of blood took the step of faith and she was able to secure her healing because of her faith. Mark 5vs28, Matthew 17vs20.

To secure your miracle or your expected breakthrough from God, you must surrender what you have in your hand, and take that great step just like that widow in our anchor bible passage. There are things you must release if you must secure your expected breakthrough:

To secure blessings, you must sacrifice your substance. The boy with five barley loaves, and two small fishes returned home with twelve baskets full of bread and fishes because he released the little in his hand. John 6vs8-13. If you want blessings from God, you must be ready to give out the substance (something) in your hand. Luke 6vs38, Matthew 7vs2. 

Abraham got nations from God by surrendering Isaac unto God. The truth is, before Abraham got to where to sacrifice Isaac, he had surrendered Isaac in his heart to God. Genesis 22vs1-19. 

Hannah had given Samuel to God before she conceived him. She had surrendered the baby to God in her heart before receiving the baby. 1 Samuel 1vs8-20. If you are looking for a child, be ready to give the child back to God, if you are set to do that, then have the assurance that your miracle baby (ies) is/are on the way. 

To secure a brighter and greater future, you must present yourself as a holy and living sacrifice unto God. Romans 12vs1-2.

Daniel and his friends could secure their glorious future because they chose to remain holy unto God. Daniel 1vs7-21. You cannot continue in sin and say grace should abound. Your holiness must cover every aspect of your life; you must be holy in everything.

...to be continued