
Do you know that the name you bear is a mark on your being? This is because a name means a mark or a brand. For instance, Abraham means the father of a multitude (nations) in Genesis 17vs5. The name Jacob means trickster while Israel means a Prince of God. Genesis 32vs28. Your name has a lot to do with your life and your destiny.


There is a saying in the Western part of Nigeria that says, “The present situation or happening in the family will determine the name that will be given to a newborn baby”. For instance, Jabez was named Sorrow (Jabez) because his mother was in sorrow at the time she gave birth to him.

It's saddening today that many of our parents gave us names out of ignorance and they failed to understand the spiritual implication of what names can do. But the sad part is that the youth of this generation are giving themselves strange names, even after their parents had given them good and wonderful names at birth, they believe those names are not in style or with style.


Names are symbolic; names represent the essence of an individual. Abram was changed to Abraham, which means the father of a multitude. God knew that if Abraham's name remained Abram, he would not be able to fulfill the purpose for which he was sent here on earth in the first place. Samuel was named “asked of God” (1 Samuel 1vs20), the reason why he could not escape the destiny attached to his name. Check your name because it will determine your destiny.


Know and understand that names have meanings; there is always a spirit behind them. Names influence the lives of people and can also affect their destinies. An evil name will bring evil manifestation to life. Names are very important, which made God himself give names to people to enable them to fulfill their divine purposes and destinies. Names can release the operation of God’s covenant and blessings into a life.


The name you bear has many impacts on you. Your name is your identification process both in the realm of the spirit and in the physical. It reveals something about you, it portrays the state of your background. You need to revisit your name and call the attention of God to it; this is because some human problems are a result of the names they bear. If a person bears a cursed name, the name will serve as a satanic platform of evil operations; but once you’ve checked, and your name carries positive meaning, and you’re yet to see the impact in your life, then you need to call on God’s attention.


The name you bear on earth can be of concern to heavenly beings. Genesis 32vs27-28. This is because names carry meaning which may affect the lives of the bearer.

You need to check your name, does it imply evil? What is the meaning of your surname? Does it have anything to do with market day, familiar names, trees, rivers, etc? Do you know hidden names can cause problems also? Check if there are hidden names that can be speaking against you in the place of destiny. Jeremiah 20vs3-6.


CONCLUSION: I have good news for you, if your name has been working against your destiny, the power in the blood and the name of Jesus Christ is available to give you a brand-new name. For example, Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary was called barren, but God changed her name from barren woman to mother of John. Luke 1vs36.

If you want the change of name, all you need to do is to make yourself available to God, you need to run to him and ask him for the change that you desire. God is still in the business of changing name, just as he did in the days of old. Gideon was another perfect example, he was where he was hiding from the enemies, but the Angel came and called him a mighty man of valor. You too can pray the prayer of Jabez today and get your name and situation changed once and for all. 1 Chronicles 4vs10.