Man (human being) stood out in everything that God created and it is expected of us as children of God, most especially the youth and young adults to stand out in all things, this is because we have the breath of God in us (Genesis 2vs7); because we are his people his representative, we have to stand out in all things.

As an Ambassador of Christ who has the breath of God inside, you have to remain pure (1 Peter 1vs15) because The One you are representing (God) here on earth is holy. Your sexual purity is required as a Christian youth and young adult, you can stand out among your equals, and you can do without staining your garment.

You need to avoid sexual immorality; you have to learn how to put your body under control because that is what God is expecting from you as his child. You have to be holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the people of the world who do not know God. 1 Thessalonians 4vs3-5.

Premarital sex has been the order of the day in this present world and generation because sexually explicit content is widespread, surfing through social media channels can put you in trouble as a young adult or youth, with all uncensored adverts that are suddenly showing up when you are connected online, you need to be cautious in order for you not to be trapped in the cobweb of sexual immorality. Self-discipline is necessary for you as a youth and young adult to stay clear of sexual immorality that can erode your standards and values. 2 Timothy 2vs22, James 4vs7.

Engaging in premarital sex or sexual immorality is dangerous because it can lead to unwanted pregnancies, abortion, loss of values and honor, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), and emotional traumas. It can also mortgage your glorious future; that is why you have to stand out as a child of God.


Psalms 1vs1 says “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel (Company) of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners (Company of evil-doers), nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful (ungodly or wicked). The first thing you have to do to stand out in sexual purity is to surround yourself with the company of people who fear God and also believe in sexual purity. You need to surround yourself with people with the same goals and objectives as yours because they will be the ones that will keep you in check; but when you are constantly parading yourself with people that are consistently sexually impure, you will be putting yourself into danger of going into sexual immorality.

Amos 3vs3 says “Can two walk together (goes into the relationship), except they be agreed”. The second thing you have to ensure you do in order for you to stand out in sexual purity is, to ensure you are in the right relationship. This is because, if you are in a relationship with someone who does not believe in sexual purity, it will be very hard for you to stay sexually pure.

For you to stand out in sexual purity, you must ensure that your partner has the same goal and view as your own when it comes to sexual purity. Colossians 3vs16 says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another”. If your partner is not a child of God who believes in purity, he will never admonish you to stay pure.

Moses, a man after God’s heart missed the Promised Land (Numbers 27vs12-23), and he almost missed heaven if not for mercy because of anger. Jude 1vs9. Another thing you must do in order for you to stand out in sexual purity is for you to know and understand your weakness. If you are such a person who always gets sexually aroused anytime you are playing with the opposite sex, it is better you stay clear of playing with the opposite sex.

When you understand your weak points, this will help you guard yourself against traps that may want to come your way. You need to study and understand what works for you and what does not in order for you to achieve sexual purity. The Bible says flee, it does not say resist; you have to flee all appearances of temptation that can push you into sexual immorality. Run for your life; do not wait till the time you will be looking for the way out. 1 Corinthians 6vs18. Avoid being in a secluded place with the opposite sex alone; be alert anytime you are with the opposite sex, and do not think you cannot fall for temptations.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. 1 John 2vs16. This scripture talks about the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, etc. do you know that another thing you must know if you must stand out in sexual purity is that you must be careful of what you are feeding your eyes, your ears, and your mind with.

What you are feeding yourself with, that is, the materials you are exposing yourself to can be a trigger or propelling factor of sexual immorality. Social media is one place where you find these offensive materials; you must be careful and be determined to guard your eyes, your ears, your heart, and your mind against being trapped. You must also avoid places or people that can trigger sexual immorality in you. You need to know that you are not made to live an impure life but to live a holy life to please the one who has made you. 1 Thessalonians 4vs3-7.

God is light, and in him, there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1vs5-7. If you must stand out in sexual purity, you must daily and continually expose yourself to the light of the word of God.

You need to embrace and follow the instructions and commandments of God because your liberation is in your obedience to the word and commandments of God.

Ammon forced her sister Tamar to bed because he could not control his sexual urge. 2 Samuel 13vs1-17. The last thing I will be talking about is, always plan your dates and activities around other people. That is, you have to be accountable to people in your relationship. That does not mean you should not have or you cannot have private discussions alone, but you have to be sure that people are around to keep you accountable.

Knowing fully well that you have eyes on you will allow you to concentrate on conversation rather than the physical connection. You have to treasure your purity. 

You need to understand that your sexuality matters to God, and as a child of God, it should matter to you also; the plan of God for sex is designed for your benefit, and it is not meant to snuff out your fun, but to maximize full intimacy and also to protect you from harm. God designed sex to be enjoyable, but he also placed limits around sexual behavior, just as there are limits around all behavior.

God made sex and imputed into all human beings sexual pleasure, but sexuality is part of marriage. Genesis 2vs24. God values sexual purity in the word and in the dead. As a youth or young adult, you are called by God to live without a hint of sexual immorality or impurity. Ephesians 1vs4, Luke 1vs75. 2 Timothy 1vs9.

CONCLUSION: Engaging in sexual intimacy outside of marriage carries a huge cost and danger. When you engage in it, you will create an opportunity for life-changing circumstances like disease and pregnancy; you will rob yourself and your future spouse of the joy and excitement that comes with the connection and oneness sex brings to a marriage.

When you engage in sex with someone other than your spouse, you are setting yourself up for brokenness, because sex forms an intense bond physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Standing out in sexual purity brings joy and peace to your marriage without the fear or shame from previous sexual escalates or encounters. Your purity is important to God, to you, and to your future. Treasure your sexual purity.