The little you have can take you farther. Every great achievement begins with a step of faith. I have discovered that most of us focus on other people’s achievements, forgetting that we are achieving little things or that we can also do better. I’m not saying we should close our eyes to other people’s achievements, but our priority should be on how we will get things done ourselves. We even want to determine how other people’s life should be at the expense of ours. You are driving your car along the street, and suddenly a car drives by yours and the driver says “I wish I could get such a car”, forgetting that both cars are meeting a required need. I am not advocating that we shouldn’t appreciate good things but we should put our focus on the ones we are having at the moment. 

Appreciating what you possess will always give you peace of mind; appreciate your children, your spouse, your parents and your organization, it will give us lasting Joy after all. None ever amounts to greatness by shifting his or her focus to uncertainties. Nigerians have this epidemic flowing through from within and it has destroyed the destiny of so many youths. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we should strive for better days but it should be done with the fear of God and according to his timing and pattern. In the advanced world where you find competition, it is in the products they produce and the services they offer, but in some nations, the reverse is the case.

Bible warned us;

For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12.

We can never become what God has determined for us until this mentality of comparison is flushed out. God blessed me with a woman who will never get moved by the achievement of others, but she focuses on what God has promised her. She is a woman of honor, a mother to our children, and my beloved wife. I appreciate her so much, if not because of these kinds of virtues that God has imparted to her we wouldn’t have come this far. Things were tough from the beginning, I was in Nigeria and she lived in the United States, taking care of our son and also paying her bills. I was only able to add a little (around 10,000 naira, which was equivalent to 65 USD at that time) to support her and the baby. To be honest she is even the one that sends money to me. She stayed focused on her goal and she is still focused to the glory of God. 

Whenever you focus on what you have, you will definitely go far in life and build on the area of your strength. Several ladies get moved by what they see on social media, most especially celebrities. Immediately they want to wear what they wear and also talk like them. There is nothing wrong with becoming like someone else, but it is wrong for us to become someone else apart from Christ. 

I have learned not to envy anyone because whatsoever they achieve today is no longer the latest. Things that happen later or after becomes the latest. If you are loaded with these principles soon you will become a subject of discussion for many. You can go beyond your limit. Don’t set your day-to-day goal to please people, you will end up not pleasing yourself. Eventually, you will become miserable. If you can know your vision and purpose in life it will be very difficult for anyone to push you off the way, or tell you who you should become in the future. Not every suggestion is suitable for your purpose and destiny. Some are not meant for you. 

Many people have given me several good suggestions over time which I appreciate, but some were really not good enough for my present vision. Sometimes, I store it in my storage device for future usage. If you are the kind of person who accepts everything, you will end up not manifesting your potential. Although I am the kind of person who still follows through with some ideas even when I know they won’t work because I want the person who gave me the advice to know that they cannot always be right and wiser than God.