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After the first system which is to have a personal vision for the kingdom, the second system is, you must have a personal vision for your life. Proverbs 29vs18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Your vision is the future in your head, and the future you do not picture, you cannot feature in it.

You must have a vision that one day you will be great, and you must ensure you are working towards achieving that vision. Have strategies and plans that will aid you in achieving your vision. If you are visionless and you are praying, you are only wasting your time. God bless your vision, not your prayer. Deuteronomy 24vs19, Deuteronomy 14vs29, Deuteronomy 28vs12. 

You will disappear if you do not have vision. Have a big vision for yourself. If you do not have a vision, you will waste time, resources, and people (connections) available to you. Nobody wants to waste money or resources on a visionless person. 

The third system is, that you must have a vision for others. Many successful people today have one service or the other they are rendering to people that are bringing in money in return to them. You must be ready to serve humanity if you must be successful. 

The most terrible prison in the world is the prison of selfishness. People must grow and move forward with your help. If you are selfish, you just put a hole in the blessing of God in your hand. Your success can only be measured by the amount of people who get to the top through you. Let people be part of your success story. 

CONCLUSION: Once again, you need to know that there is no secret to success; all you need to do to be successful in life is to follow the system to success. And ultimately, you need to follow God back to back, because he is the one who can teach you the rudiments of the system to success. Psalms 144vs1. God is the only one who can give you true success and blessings. Proverbs 10vs22. 

It is through Jesus Christ that you can get the wisdom for the season. Through him, you can get the power to make wealth. Deuteronomy 8vs18. When you embrace Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, he will relate with you as a friend to friend, and he will show you the true system to true success which is reigning with God in eternity after everything in this world that we are. Jesus remains the way, the truth, and the life. John 14vs6. Embrace the way today so that you can see the Father.