Text to Speech Voices

It is a pity that many youths in my generation are just living a carefree (careless) lifestyle. Youth of this generation live as if there is no tomorrow, many of us live as if we have nowhere we are heading but the truth is, no matter how old or how long we live in this world, there is life, that is kingdoms after this world and it is our way of life here that will determine which of the kingdoms to end our life journey.

Apostle Paul was saying it in Philippians 3vs10-14 that he is daily pressing on to hold of the nature of Jesus Christ and to win the prize for which God has called him heavenward in Christ Jesus. He also said in Philippians 1vs21-22 that to live is Christ and to die is gain...

Living with heaven in view is daily pressing on to take hold of the nature of Jesus Christ, it is to win the prize for which God has to give through Christ Jesus.


1. They Live Carefree Life. Genesis 39vs7-9, Ezekiel 33vs13, Romans 6 vs 1 - These are the set of youths that usually say; "We are in the period of grace and God is not a wicked God, His grace is available". Many will not get to heaven because they misused the period of grace or because they misinterpreted what grace means and because of this, they choose to live a carefree (careless) lifestyle. However, the good news for such people is, the mercy of God is still available if they can have a change of heart by crying for mercy before it will be too late and I know God will show them mercy if they do.

2. They Are Full of Anger - One of the weapons that the devil is using to block many from gaining access to heaven is the spirit of anger. Many Christians, most especially Christian youth are good in all aspects of life but they have not dealt with the spirit of Anger. Exodus 32vs19, Numbers 20vs1-12, Numbers 20vs22-29, Numbers 27vs12-16.

Do you know Moses did not enter the Promised Land because of anger; even when he died, it took the grace and mercy of God for him to enter heaven with all the great works God did through him, all because he could not control his emotions. The Angel of God and the angel of darkness have to fight over the dead body of Moses because Moses did not overcome anger.

3. They always want to satisfy their body - This set of youths do not have self-control, they always want to satisfy the desires of their body, they are not putting their bodies under control, and they always give their bodies food as required. 1 Corinthians 9vs27, 1 Corinthians 6vs19-20, 1 Thessalonians 5vs23, Philippians 3vs21, Philippians 1vs20, 2 Corinthians 5vs10.

4. They do not bother to build a solid Christian foundation for themselves - These are the people who have not genuinely given their lives to Jesus Christ or those who have given their lives and went back to the world without tracing their steps back to God. Luke 6vs46-48.

They know the commandments and words of God but they do not practice it, they know the instructions from God but they chose not to obey it because they want to belong, they believe God is not wicked, they believe once save is saved forever and because of this, they are living their lives without thinking about the final place called heaven.

5. They are Christians that believe that total holiness is not achievable. Hebrews 12vs14 - This set of youths have the mentality that full or total holiness is not realistic and because of this, they chose to live their lives the way they want but they have forgotten what the Bible says. Holiness and peace with people is the access key or passport to see God.

6. They are not peacemakers - You don't mess up with this set of youths, if you mess up with them, they will give it to you “as he dey hot”. That is, they will give it to you back to back. 

They always claim their right, I am sorry is not in their dictionary, they are always ready to fight without giving room for peace to reign. Hebrews 12vs14, Romans 12vs18-19. They love taking revenge for every offense.


Live your life daily as if that day will be the end. Acts 20vs24 - The people that live their lives like this value heaven more than anything else, even more than life itself. When you live daily as if that day will be the end, you will be mindful of your way of life because you know that this world is not your home and that heaven is the gain.

2. Put Jesus at the center of all you want to do. Hebrews 12vs2, Luke 24vs25-26, 1 Peter 3vs22 - Putting Jesus Christ first in all that you do will help you not to fall into sin because, before you will do anything or act on any issue, you will have to ask yourself, what will Jesus Christ do if He is the one in my situation? If you can live your life this way, you will see how easier it becomes for you to obey and follow the commandments of God.

3. Live your life with the determination of making heaven. Romans 8vs35, 2 Corinthians 4vs16, 2 Timothy 4vs7-8 - Everything has to be intentional. You have to be intentional about making heaven. As you live daily, you have to tell yourself that you will see God and live a life that is determined to make heaven because as youths in this generation, there are a lot of things in this world of ours that are ready to take God away from us but you are the one as a person that will tell yourself that, come what may, nothing will take heaven (God) from you.

Always have Self-examination. Luke 19vs8-9, 2 Corinthians 13vs5, Acts 24vs16 -  If you must make heaven, there is a need for daily checking of oneself if you are still in Christ. You must daily examine yourself if you have not left Jesus Christ behind and check if you are still on track.

CONCLUSION: Going to heaven is not a joking matter but a serious issue and business. Making it to heaven takes focus, self-determination, conscious effort and the only person who can help on this is Jesus Christ. John 14vs6 says “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.” If you must make it to heaven, you have to surrender your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior then your life will have a turnaround – you will have your access to God because no one can get to the Father except through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah