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The common war that every Christian both young and old must participate in is the war called temptation. Even our Lord Jesus Christ, the Almighty God in man's flesh had his share of the war while he was here on earth. Matthew 4vs1-3

War of temptation is a spiritual war with the enemy called Satan. One of the names given to him is called tempter. 1 Thessalonians 3vs5.

Satan (The Tempter) has been tempting man since the creation of this world. He tempted Adam and Eve, and they fell, which gave birth to the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (The Garden of God). Genesis 3vs1-10.

The tempter (Satan) and his hosts (Demons) have been busy tempting people, most especially Christians, to lie, to steal, to compromise, to commit adultery, and to go against the instructions and the commandments of God.

This message is to help us as Christians to know; what temptation is, the nature and purpose of temptation, where temptation comes from, and how to break free from temptation. We need to understand that temptation is not a sin but it becomes a sin when you fall victim. Temptation is to prove or to put to the test. Temptation can be said to be trials with a beneficial purpose and effect or trials designed to lead to wrongdoing.

Temptation is literally to put a Christian to the test, to see if the character of Christ is truly operating in the life of such a Christian. God allows temptation most times to see if you as his child (Christian) has the Christ-like attitudes or qualities to do what he needs you to do. It is the desire of God that you develop stability and self-control because many Christians who call themselves children of God only have the outward signs of being Christians or spiritual but, whenever they face temptation, they fall for it.

As a child of God, you need to know and understand that before you can move up on the spiritual ladder, that is before you can graduate from one class to another in the realm and things of the spirit, you have to be tested (tempted), it is when you pass the test that you can be promoted in the spiritual realm or things of the spirit.

James 1vs13-15 says “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death”. With the understanding from this Bible passage, we need to know that temptation does not come from God. God is not the one who tempts us as Christians (as his Children), Satan does, Satan is the tempter. Job 1vs6-12, Job 2vs1-7.

Temptations always come from the tempter (Satan) and oftentimes, he always works through our unrenewed fleshly desires. Satan always brings the temptation to gear our fleshly desires, hoping we will give in to them. Whenever a Christian falls into temptation, he or she has given room to the devil to succeed in causing troubles in such life. Job 3vs25.