When you choose not to follow instructions

You cannot graduate or progress from one level to another if you are the type that always neglects instructions. 

The man of God whom we always refer to as the small Prophet was given specific instructions by God, but his life and progress were cut short because he did not strictly obey the divine instructions that were given to him. He allowed what people say to override what God says; he allowed what the big Prophet said over what God told him specifically. 1 Kings 13vs1-32. As we keep saying, in this kingdom, we live by instructions. Isaac was able to reap in hundredfold because he stood with the instruction from God; while others were running to Egypt for greener pasture, he was asked to stay in the land, and the Bible says, he sowed in the land when there was famine and he harvested greatly. Genesis 26vs12-14.

Lack of honor to your parents or elders. Exodus 20vs12, Deuteronomy 5vs16, Matthew 19vs19.

If you want to live long and be progressive in life, you must honor and take care of your parents. Learn to honor your parents even when you think they do not deserve to be honored. Take care of them no matter what.

Learn to treat people with dignity if you want to progress in life. Take care of people around you because they can become the ladder that will take you to the top. Stop looking down on people, everyone has input they can make in your progressive journey.

Lack of fear of God. Psalms 111vs10, Proverbs 1vs7.

Whatever you are doing and you do not add the fear of God, such a thing will crash. You must put on the face of God in whatever you are doing.

CONCLUSION: Evil forces can also be the enemies that you have to silence. Matthew 13vs25, Exodus 15vs19. You have to be spiritually alerted because there are forces that do not want you to progress. Such forces could be curses, evil spirits, household enemies, etc. 

Your state of mind can be your enemy. Your mindset must be right because when you have a wrong mindset, it will be very difficult for you to make good progress in life.

You need to know that a force must sustain your progress; either the force from God or from the Devil or the world system, either of these will sustain your progress. The most reliable, sustaining, and beneficial is the one from God. 

If you must be successful and progressive, you need Jesus Christ in your life because He is the only One who can give you the power to make progress (Wealth). Isaiah 40vs29. Jesus inside of you will teach you to make progress. Psalms 144vs1, 2 Samuel 22vs35. When you embrace Jesus Christ in your life, your progress is sure. When you choose to take God out of the equation of your life or business, it is just a matter of time, before that business or life will crash. Anything minus Jesus is a waste of time. You are blessed in Jesus' name.