A Christian takes evangelism seriously because he or she knows that evangelism/soul-winning is the heartbeat of God. Paul says you must shine a light in this crooked and perverse generation. Philippians 2vs15. Evangelism is not only what you say, it’s what you are. It is about your character and the content (your choice of words). Your life must demonstrate the reality of what you say you believe. You are living in a dark world, your life of purity must make you stand out as light, and you have to reflect the light of God through your personality. Not only your mouth, but your attitude, your dress, and your character must declare the glory of God. Psalms 19vs1, Matthew 5vs14-16. A Christian who lives a sinful life is profaning the name and the glory of God in his or her life; your light shines by your character and conduct.


You need to know that a Christian is to live consistently with what you know, what you teach, what you preach, and what you believe. 2 Corinthians 3vs2 says, you are the epistle the men now read. A Christian must live a life that will promote the gospel of Jesus Christ; this is because, the Bible some people will ever read is the one demonstrated by your life. Your deeds and your words per day are chapters of the gospel you are writing; and the truth is, people are reading what you write, whether faithless or true. Titus 2vs1-10


CONCLUSION: You are losing all credibility today as a Christian because; you are saying one thing and you do otherwise. You are living one way and preaching another way. As a Christian, you must live worthy of the gospel. Your life as a Christian must make the gospel of Jesus Christ attractive. Your life must make a positive impact in the life of people because; the quality of your life is the platform of your testimony. By the kind of life you live, you are building a platform on which what you say is made believable. God expects you to give to your world the word of life through Jesus Christ. 

You have to flee sexual immorality as a Christian. 1 Corinthians 6vs18. As a youth or young adult, you must flee all intimate friendships with people to whom you are improperly attracted; you must refrain from dating relationships or bodily contact that prematurely arouses sexual desires, and avoid place(s) that make pornography available, in print, social medial (internet) or movies. You are to run away from anything that will cause you to lust or fuel illicit desires. Proverbs 7vs1-27. You have to stay clear of people or place(s) that are likely to get you into trouble (sin).

Being a Christian is not by mouth; but it has to do with the way you do things, the way you say it and act it. People are watching you, and they are reading you. And if you are yet to get connected with Jesus Christ or you had once connected to him but now disconnected from him; today is another day for you to come to the love of God that is available. Come to him today and be part of this great family of God. 

All you need to do is for you to forsake all your sinful and evil ways, confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and start living holy. If you do this sincerely, I welcome you to the family of God because you are now a Christian.