You can be free from that evil desire to take the harmful substance, commit, say or do something wrong regularly. The plan and purpose of God for your life is to be the Lord over your body and desire. That is, you should be able to control your desire and will (1Corinthians 6vs12-13)

Some examples to check for addiction includes:

  • a strong desire to consume harmful substances
  • always engaging in problematic and unhealthy attitude
  • extreme appetite for power and position to the level that you can do anything either good or bad to get to the top, etc.

You can be free from that evil desire which causes repeated actions, exposure to dangerous substances, the behavior that has become compulsive and often continue despite its consequences if you will allow God to help you. This is because you are created for something greater than what you are doing and you have a brighter future ahead of you. Those harmful substances, unending thirst for power or position, and behavioral addictions will not take you there. (Proverbs 23vs29-35, Proverbs 31 vs 3, Proverbs 28 vs 15)


  • The first step to your freedom from addiction is to acknowledge the fact that you are under a negative influence. This is because; a change of behaviour starts from the self-awareness of wrongdoings (Psalms 51vs1-4). If you are yet to see these wrongdoings, you will continue in it even when people around you are trying their best to correct you.

Check yourself and accept your error(s), that is your first step to your freedom from addiction. 

  • The second step is to seek help. You cannot jump to the river and then complain of the cold. If you truly want to be free, you must seek help. (James 5vs13-16)

As you are seeking help physically and medically (going for screening and therapies), you can also seek the face of God for help, talk to God about your addiction problem(s). (Proverbs 3vs5-7) Cry to Him that you need help and He will help you. (1peter 5vs7). 

  • The third step is for you to learn how to control yourself. You must be able to control your desire or appetite for substances. (Proverbs 4vs23, Luke 6vs45)

Your ability to guard your heart and mind is pivotal in your journey to freedom from addiction. If you can win the battle from your mind, you will live above addiction physically. (Romans 12vs2, Colossians 3vs10, 1 John 2vs15-17). 

  • The fourth step is to destroy all the objects that always trigger or propel your desire to do what is wrong. The type of songs or films that you love watching can be the trigger, the books or novels that you love reading can be the trigger, your company of friends can also be the trigger, places you love going can also be the trigger; and if you truly want to be free from addiction, you have to discard everything that always triggers the wrong desire in your mind. (1Corinthians 15vs 33, 2Corinthians 6vs15-20, Hebrews 4vs13, Ephesians 5vs11-13).
  • Step five is for you to replace those objects or habits that you have discarded with objects or habits that will fast-track the healing process. You will need to replace those evil materials with Godly materials that will lift up your spirit positively and purify your mind always.

The companies of evil friends have to be replaced with the company of friends that will help you to become the better version of yourself. Friends that will ensure that you do not go back into your dirty life again and relocate yourself to that environment that will help your healing process. (Psalms 38vs11, Hebrews 10vs 24-25, 2Timothy 1vs15-16) 

  • The last step which is step six is that you must not allow your focus or your attention to be shifted from being clean and being totally free from any form of addiction(s). (1Corinthians 10vs12, Philippians 3vs12-14, 1 Peter 4vs7). You have to guard your freedom with all seriousness and with strong determination not to go back into the slavery of addiction.

CONCLUSION: The desire of God for you is to be free from the bondage of addiction and to have dominion over the power of sin. (Genesis 1vs26)

To have dominion is to have the grace and power to live above all forms of sin. But the grace and power can only be gotten in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have not surrendered your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you are doing yourself great displeasure. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ today as your Lord and savior and begin to enjoy your total freedom from addictions.