The word of God says “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”. 3 John 2. For this wish of God to come to pass in your life as a child of God, one of the things you must do is to be excellent in all you do. You must exhibit excellence in all your doings. Just as Proverbs 22vs29 says “Seest thou a man diligent (Excellent) in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men”. Ecclesiastes 9vs10A also says “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might…” 

One of the things that can make you great is to be excellent in whatever you do. Being excellent is a quality that is usually good; it is a yardstick used to measure success. Excellence is a mindset that becomes a habit and finally becomes a character or lifestyle. It is not an act, rather it is a habit. Excellence is a journey that never ends, it is not cheap and it comes with a tag prize. 


  • EXPECTATIONS: You must have a clear vision of what you want to do. For you to be excellent in what you do, you must have set goals and expectations. Proverbs 23vs18. Setting an expectation (Standard) for what you do will be what will gear your heart towards greatness and excellence. 
  • EXTRA: If you want to achieve greatness, you must not stop where others stopped. Always go the extra mile to be good at what you are doing, because there is no traffic in the extra mile. Learn new things about your skills; be very good at whatever you are doing. Proverbs 22vs29. 
  • CREATIVE: Be creative, move out of the level of mean men, step into the class of kings; ornament your business or your skill. Give yourself good packaging, because the way you present yourself is the way you will be addressed. Be creative, and always come out elegant even in that your low estate. 
  • ENTHUSIASM: No one will make you happy except yourself. Be pleased with yourself, your level, and your work. Happiness will drive you to do better and more in whatever you do. When you are happy with yourself and what you do, there will be no limit to your greatness. To be enthusiastic is to be wise in your dealings, and that will bring happiness. Proverbs 16vs20. 
  • LANGUAGE: Your choice of words will determine your level of greatness. Your language or choice of words to your customers, workers, neighbors, etc. will dictate the level you will get to in greatness. Many great men and women have become nothing today because they could not control their language. Always choose your words wisely. Psalms 36vs3. You have to be righteous in your language as a child of God. Psalms 37vs30. Let your language (choice of words) be smoothened and sweetened to people around you. Proverbs 6vs2, Proverbs 8vs7.

... to be continued