
Learning from your mistakes is another key that you must hold fast to. Do not be too rigid; humble yourself to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Stop acting as if you are an island of knowledge, always identify your errors, learn from them, and try never to do the same thing again. To get different results. People doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results will forever be in the same spot. You can learn how to change strategy through your mistakes. 

Speak honestly and kindly. Honesty pays, do not be deceived. Honesty always makes way at the end. Be honest and be kind to people around you. Honesty is a key that opens doors to great opportunities. Do not promise what you cannot do; be honest in whatever you do because it pays. 1 Timothy 2vs2-3. 

Making the most of every moment is another key you must have. You have to prepare for every opportunity; because it is when preparation meets with opportunity that success and greatness will emerge. Always be prepared, and do not waste any opportunity because when it's lost you may not recover again. 

Be committed to your work. Do not be lazy, there will be no food for a lazy man. Be committed to whatever you are doing; when you are committed, doors of opportunities will open for you. 

Taking responsibility is a key. Take responsibility for whatever you do and the result after. A man that runs away from his responsibility will run to meet with responsibilities. Any responsibility you run away from now, you will still come back to meet. Always be responsible for your actions and inactions. 

Give room to self-examination. This is another key that is very vital to your journey to greatness. Check yourself if you are doing better, and listen to critics around you, because out of what they are saying, there may be points to make use of. Set up a mechanism around yourself which can be used to examine yourself. Surround yourself with the people that will tell you the truth even when it is not convenient, and not the people that will be praising you because of what they are getting from you. 

CONCLUSION: To be excellent in life, be ready to go the extra mile in all that you do, and you must be focused on your goals and intentions. Appreciate working with people, do not be a lone ranger, listen to corrections, and make necessary amendments where necessary. Appreciate the people around you and what they are doing for you. Do not look down on anybody, be friendly, and watch your tongue because, a change world begins with you changing and you can only change when you allow God to change you. What I mean is, always allow the Holy Spirit to direct you in all things because that is where your power lies as a child of God.