The Perfect Will of God is to love us through Christ Jesus, any love outside this principle is not of God neither is it of Christ. Also, such hearts and ways are full of greed and they have no spirit of God living in them.

It is high time we STAND-OUT most especially in this end-time, this can only be achieved in the fullness of Christs’ grace that walks in us. Until we live according to heaven standard, we won’t be able to attain or operate at the realm of pure conscience and love (both with God and man), however our total commitment to God will determine His reflection in us.


David and Jonathan are the perfect example in this regard and it would be a great benetifit to us as believer in Christ if we can emulate this two characters and then apply all actions of love and conscience exhibited by them in our day-to-day activities. Once you are able to operate in this realm; your eyes will see far above natural because you are operating in the supernatural realm. That is, worldly things will not be of value to you. Imaging Jonathan, he knew his father’s throne was no longer his and generation after him as far David is alive but he continued having his best friendship with David.

Ecclesiastes 10:18 say “He that diggeth a pit fall into it and whosoever breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bit him”. How pure is your heart and thought towards another fellow? Do you even know that it is a sin to be keeping someone in mind? Is your selfish interest not creating destruction for another person? Know this for sure your harvest is sure and closer than expected.

You may be digging a pit for your neighbor meanwhile, selfishness will continue to blind-fold your vision and focus from having the understanding that every act of evil goes down to generations to come after you.

Somebody like Jonathan have a good relationship ethics with David, he understood that his affection for David is more than the throne his father wanted him to inherit. Jonathan knew if he kill David, he has killed his destiny, he never follow the instructions and choices of his father, Saul. He knew pretty well that his destiny is different from that of his father. In 1 Samuel 18:1, the Bible says that, the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his soul.

Pure in spirit means sanctification, having a pure conscience and genuine love for another. Today, we still see terrible characters exhibited by so call believers because they have not been sanctified.

Before any counsel will take root in ones heart, firstly you must see the person beyond what people are saying about him/her and your pure conscience of natural love should flow from the sincerity of Christ's kind pure love.

Another aspect I want you to look at carefully is the area of your fitness in the body of Christ which can always be discovered via prayers and the continuous studies on the word of God. Jonathan understood that he must help David to fulfill his destiny. He wasn’t moved with what Saul his faither said to him. If I may ask, are you like Saul? Don’t for any reason desire another person’s office but instead develop your own office or locate it through fervent prayers, for the body of Christ is of many parts and every part is important.

Finally brethren, I Samuel 23:16 spelt out an incredible testimony of friendship “And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God”. Look for that quality in friends. Choose friends who help you find strength in God. Be someone who helps others find strength in God! Love pushes us to better places. True friendship will push you to God!