The world is going through a serious trouble moment, the times are hard and the system of the world has failed. Health system has failed, economy system is failing with all these, people need a better change, they are crying for help and one of your assignment as a youth and more so a Christian youth is to make the world a better place through the grace and power of God in your life. There is a lot that is expected of you as a Christian youth that you need to do in order to make this world a better place where righteousness and justice will reign.

Psalm 122vs6 says, those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem will be secure. The truth is your nation is your own Jerusalem now, what have you done or what are you doing to make your nation, your community, your environment and the world as a whole a better where people and God's kingdom will reign. Isaiah 9vs6-7.


You can make the world a better place if you consciously and intentionally do the following in your own capacity and level. You can make the world a better place:

1. Through Your Work

God gave you your work or that business because He knows and expecting you to use it to make positive statement in the world. The knowledge that God has given to you through your work, He wants you to pass it unto the other because many people are wasting away in your community because they lack the kind of knowledge that you have, their lives are waiting for people like you to impact into them in order for them to have joy and for the community to have peace because if you refuse to impact them positively now, they can become nuisance in the community. Exodus 18:18-21, Proverbs 9:9.

2. Through Your Composure

The way you compose yourself in words and in action goes a long way of telling people who you are. Do you know that you can change many people through your composure.

Your look is influencing many people as a youth, the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you eat etc has a lot of influence upon the people around you. As a change agent for God, you have to watch out for your composure because many people are watching you and many of them are patterning their lives style like yours. I Samuel 25:2-35.

3. Through Your Attitude

Your attitude at home, at your work place, in your environment when something happens is sending a very huge message to the people who sees you and to the world at large.

Do you know that because of some people attitude, many have done what they ought not have done. Attitude is everything. Mind your attitude and ensure you always showcase good attitude because people are watching you. I Samuel 25:9-12, 23-27.


4. Through Mentorship

Whatever good or evil that you are seeing in the world or your community today started from families and homes. The way you mentor or bring up your younger ones will determine may be the world will enjoy peace and be a better place or not.

I am not talking about your immediate younger ones alone now but I am talking about the young ones in your community, in your environment, in your church, how positive are you influencing them. God is counting on you as His ambassador to impact every younger generation around you in order for them to be useful for their family, the world and in turn the kingdom of God.

5. Through Your Position

How many people have you used your office or position to influence, that you are occupying that position or that you are in that office today is an indication that God wants you to use it to lift up some people.

Many people in your community and environment need you to use your position, your office or your power to push them forward, you do not have to let them down because is part of your assignment here on earth as a youth and a child of God. Esther 3:6-15, Esther 4:1-14.

6. Through Your Prayers

Our anchor Bible passage says, those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem will be secure. Another weapon of influence to make the world a better place that God has given to you is prayer.

When you are here enjoying peace, many are somewhere going through war, crisis and conflict. Stand up and talk to God on your knees concerning them. Let it be part of you that you always pray for your family, your community, your nation and the world at large because by so doing, you are influencing and impacting the world positively. It is then we can call you a true change agent.


People may forget what you give to them, they may forget how you talk to them, they may forget how you make them feel but they can never forget what you make them to be.

You are not ordinary personality, you are made for more. Stand up, let us make the world a better place.

In case you are reading this today and you have not had the encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, you can do so now by surrendering your life to Him, you need to allow Him into your life for you to positively change your world.

You cannot influence and change your world if the presence of God is lacking in your life. The book of Philippians 4vs13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That is, you can change the world as youth and make it a better place through Jesus Christ in you.

Surrender your life to Jesus Christ today and let us make the world a better place together.