We are obligated, as soldiers of Christ, to pay attention to the last words that our Lord spoke prior to His ascension into heaven. These statements, which are frequently referred to as the Great Commission, have inspired and guided people throughout history, enabling us to fulfill our mission of bringing the Gospel to every corner of the globe. In Mark 16:15–18, Matthew 28:18–20, and Luke 24:47–49, Jesus gives us a holy task—a divine mandate that transcends space and time. Simple but deep, these lines sum up Jesus' mission: to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and instructing them to follow all of His commands. This charge is a mandate, our Lord and Savior's last command; it is not a recommendation or a kind request. 

In the military, following orders without question or reservation is crucial because disobedience can result in chaos, compromise, and ultimately defeat,. This is why every soldier in training is taught to obey orders at all costs. The mantra "obey the last command" reverberates through barracks and training grounds, reminding soldiers of the dire consequences of defying orders. In the same way, we cannot compromise on obeying the Great Commission in our spiritual struggle. We are obliged to obey the last instruction from our Supreme Commander, Jesus Christ, in the same way that soldiers are expected to follow their superiors' orders.

Imagine a battalion of soldiers that choose to follow their own agendas or disregard instructions they receive. There would be mayhem and the mission would be in danger. The establishment of God's kingdom on earth is also hampered when we ignore or reject the Great Commission. We give up the chance to be His love's instruments and His vessels of grace. It takes bravery, dedication, and unflinching faith to obey the last command. It entails overcoming cultural boundaries, moving outside of our comfort zones, and fearlessly sharing the gospel with others who haven't heard it before. For the cause of Christ, it entails being prepared to face rejection, persecution, and even martyrdom. 

We need to arm ourselves for the impending spiritual fight, just as soldiers go through extensive training before going into combat. We need to spend a lot of time in prayer, read the Bible diligently, and rely on the Holy Spirit's might to lead and strengthen us. Then and only then will we be able to really carry out the Great Commission and create disciples of all people. In the armed forces, obeying commands means the difference between life and death. This also applies to our spiritual development. In addition to impeding the Gospel's advancement, disobedience to the Great Commission deprives us of the benefits and prizes that result from obediently serving our Lord. 

Instead of retreating in dread or doubt, let us move forward with assurance, knowing that we serve a God who is able to save and dependable in keeping His word. Soldiers in the military are taught to function as a cohesive team, with each member contributing significantly to the achievement of the mission's main goal. Likewise, it is our duty as members of Christ's body to cooperate with one another, using our various skills and abilities to further God's kingdom. Collectively obeying the last command increases our influence and exalts His name.