
Let it be known that everyone has a purpose why they are here on earth. You have a reason why you are black or white. You are a true image of God no matter the colour of your skin, you are an image of God. You have a purpose why you married that man or that woman you married. 

You have a purpose why you are born into that family. You have a purpose for why you are in that community or country you find yourself in. There is a purpose why you are a Christian. 

For instance, everyone who came before us in the Bible time came to fulfill a purpose. Jesus Christ (Luke 2vs11, Isaiah 9vs 6-7). Jesus Christ's purpose is to be the savior of the world. Matthew 1vs21, John 4vs42. Jesus' purpose is to bring peace into the world. John 14vs27-28, John 16vs33. Jesus' purpose is to give man direction to God. John 14vs6-7. 

Samson had a purpose. Judges 13vs4-5. Samson's purpose was to deliver Israel from the hands of their enemies. The reason Samson was born was to bring deliverance from the chains of slavery and frustration to the people of God (Nation of Israel). 

John the Baptist. Luke 1vs5-17. John the Baptist's purpose was to mend the hearts of people towards one another. His purpose was to introduce people to Christ. His purpose was to turn the hearts of people back to God. 

Esther the queen. Esther 4vs13-14. Her purpose in the palace was to arise for the defense of the Jews. Her purpose was to be the mouth for the people of God before the king. 

All the people mentioned above and many more had a purpose they were here to fulfill. You are not here by mistake, you are not a child of mistake, God sent you to this world with and for a purpose. 

Your purpose can be global like that of Jesus Christ; your purpose can be national like that of Samson or local like that of the maid of Namaan. When talking about purpose, purpose can be general or specific, that is why you must identify your purpose. Many are making a purpose (impact) in finance, science, technology, medicine, etc. You need to identify the type of purpose that you are here for. 

…to be continued