Every segment and section of the world is clamoring for peace and in the search for the so-called peace – Organizations, Policies, Innovations and structures are given birth to. Despite all, there is no peace in the world. Nations are still waging war against each other, communal crises are still so rampant in our communities, brothers are still at loggerhead with one another because in the process of searching for peace, the world has neglected and forsaken the sure secret place which is God factor.

Rahab in the book of Joshua chapter two understands the treasure in the secret place and she grabbed the opportunity when it presented itself. That was the reason for her kind gesture to the spies that came to her country before total destruction came upon Jericho. She ran into the secret place and that gave her the assurance of peace and safety.

It is until the entire world enters the secret place before we can start enjoying the treasures that are available in it. Also, it is until we all run back to God before those treasures can be ours. The secret place is the dwelling of God, the secret place is the inner court of God {Ezekiel 43vs5, Ezekiel 44vs17}. The secret place is the place where comfort and peace flows. The secret place is the throne of God, the palace of the Most-High {Psalms 91vs1}.


  • SHELTER: This is protection from danger or from the storm of life {Psalms 31vs20}. If you must enjoy protection from all the evil happening in the world today, you have to run into the secret place of God which is the place of Shelter {Psalms 91vs1-4}. You can only enjoy this fortified town only if you are on the Lord’s side, you can only be a partaker of this fortress after you might have recognized and accepted the salvation of God that Jesus has made available on the cross of Calvary {John 3vs16}. 
  • BOLDNESS: You will not be afraid of the crises in the world because you no longer live in fear of torment or uncertainty in the world again. You will have zero fear of what tomorrow will bring because you have the confidence that your tomorrow is secured in a secret place {Psalms 91vs5-6, Job5vs19-23, Psalms23vs4}. 
  • SURE SAFETY: There are many fortresses that have been captured but in the secret place, which is the place of God, adequate safety is assured. Other fortresses of the world may be experiencing danger but the Lord God is assuring you that if you can surrender your life and accept the salvation that Jesus Christ gave on the cross of Calvary, you will just be seeing or hearing about the destruction and trouble in the world but it will not come near you {Psalms 91vs7-13, Genesis 7vs23, Psalms 37vs34, Psalms 58vs10-11, Proverbs 12vs21, Psalms 34vs7, Luke 4vs9-11}. 
  • LOVE: Dwelling in the secret place of God will make you enjoy the love of God. For you to enjoy the care and pleasure that is flowing from God, you have to enter into His secret place because love is part of the treasures that are hidden in the secret place {Psalms 91vs14, Psalms 9vs10, Psalms 145vs20}. 

  • ANSWER TO PRAYER: Another treasure in the secret place is the direct and urgent answer to all your requests and prayers {Psalms 91vs15, Psalms 50vs15}. When you dwell in the secret place by giving your life to Jesus Christ and always doing His will, you will have access to enjoy speedy answers to your prayers and requests {1 Samuel 2vs30, John 12vs26}. 
  • LONG LIFE: Dwelling in the secret place will make you enjoy the longevity of life. If you must live long in this world and also enjoy the eternal life in the city of God after this world of sin, you have to make the secret place your dwelling place {Psalms 91vs16}. Keeping the commandments and following the instructions given by God will help you to enjoy longevity. {Deuteronomy 6vs2, Psalms 21vs4, Psalms 50vs23}.


  • SURRENDER ALL TO JESUS CHRIST: If you must enjoy the goodness and treasures of the secret place, you have to surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is when you have become part of the family of God that you can start enjoying those goodies and treasures that the Prince and Princess of the Kingdom alone are allowed to enjoy {John 15vs4-7, Ephesians 2vs21-22, Ephesians 3vs17, Colossians 2vs7}. 
  • RIGHTEOUS LIVING: You must live a righteous and holy life at all times. This is because you cannot access the presence of God without being clean {1 Timothy 2vs8, Job 17vs9, Psalms 24vs3-5}. 
  • OBEY HIM: You must fully obey His commandments. In this kingdom which is the secret place, we live by instructions. You cannot succeed in this kingdom if you neglect instructions and commandments {Deuteronomy 28vs1-14, Exodus 23vs22-27, Leviticus 26vs3-13, Deuteronomy 7vs12-26}. 

CONCLUSION: Jesus is the secret place of God and it is only the people in Jesus Christ that can enjoy the treasures embedded in the secret place. The only access to this secret place is to submit and receive the free salvation of God that Jesus Christ has given on the cross of Calvary since over 2000 years ago.

Salvation is still available and free; what you just need to do for you to be entitled to all the treasurers mentioned above and many more is to forsake your sin and accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as your Lord and Personal Saviour and start doing His will {John 3vs16-21, John 11vs25-26, Romans 5vs6, Romans 8vs32}.