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Be grateful for what you have, God has given you something valuable. 2 Corinthians 9vs15, 1 Thessalonians 5vs18. Stop being jealous of others, rather, look inward and discover what God has given you too. You need to also be intentional about the people you follow on social media. 2 Corinthians 4vs15.

The fact that some people appear on your social media space does not mean you must follow them. If their contents and presence threaten your sanity, just do yourself a favor by either unfollowing or removing them, because you may not be able to influence or determine what such people post, but you can choose not to follow them.

Let this consciousness be in you if you truly want to cope or overcome the pressure that comes with social media; you need to always remind yourself that the things you read and see online are not always true. It is merely a tiny glimpse into someone’s reality and not the entire reality or truth about the person. Try to always be yourself.

Another thing you can also do is to discover and nurture hobbies and interests that do not involve social media. Proverbs 22vs29. Engaging in activities like playing a musical instrument, writing, reading, learning new things, painting, doing sports, pursuing a new career, etc can redirect your focus and provide fulfillment for you.

You have to unfollow accounts or personalities that promote comparison or negativity and follow those that inspire, educate, and uplift you. Invest in building and maintaining meaningful relationships offline. Plan social outings, engage in face-to-face conversations, and create opportunities for genuine human interaction.

CONCLUSION: The reality is that social media is part of the world we now live in, and it is not going away. What we need to do is to figure out how we can guide ourselves on how we can navigate these tools which is part of what we have been able to do with the points above.

You must create your goals and outcomes consistently, and work on making them count. Also, use social media with an understanding and with purpose. 

There is also a need for you to know that what goes around comes around, that is why you must not use social media to impress or oppress others. When you share things on social media, make sure you share Godly and pleasant things, and share them with the mindset that all your family members shall see them. And as a way of remembering good and bad times. You have to belong to open platforms where everything about you can be seen by friends and family members who shall guide you when you make a mistake or post improper things.

Again, stay off from groups or individuals that share ideas that can cost you your life, home, or relationship. Avoid crowd mentality, where people copy things that mortgage their future and happiness by merely following trends on social media platforms. Use your social media platform to advertise and circulate Christ Jesus and other spiritually enriching messages. Use it to educate and impact people positively; use it for the gospel as a child of God and for moral messages.

Lastly, do not forget you have the power to determine what you consume on social media; and as you consciously and intentionally follow the steps above, I pray you will be delivered from the prison of depression, oppression, and pressure that social media have put you into in Jesus name.