
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 KJV

I remember when I wasn’t born again, cigarettes were always my comfort before sleeping at night. I was so addicted to smoking to an extent that whenever I’m about to take my breakfast or any meal, I must smoke. Even at night! Then, smoking was where I put my trust because nothing else matter to me like my Benson cigarette. 

In case you were once like me before encountering Christ Jesus, you would understand.  It is so disappointing when our trust depends on insignificant objects instead of divinity. When I gave my life to Christ Jesus, I remember my friend asked me; “Clement, you quit smoking”? And I responded: “Yes”, then he said; “Clement it will be very difficult for you to forgive any individual who offends you”. Then I asked why? He said; “Because you don’t smoke anymore”!

You can imagine how much he saw me smoking. Then, my ability to trust and forgive anyone lies in cigarettes. You can now see the deception from the pit of hell. Satan has brought a lot of deception into the world all in the name of peace and love. 

Before I got saved, I despised going to church so much. Then my guardian will always threaten me by saying: “if I don’t see you in the church today, there is no meal for you”. It was a catholic church where you already know all about the Reverend Father’s sermon. My point is, the church wasn’t part of my schedule on Sunday mornings. My trust for fulfillment every Sunday was in the Government Secondary School, Oke-bola Ibadan, just to play football and engage in other unfruitful activities. 

Literally, you put your trust in whatsoever disconnects you from God according to the scripture in Psalm 20:7a. So you’re advised to watch out for the company you keep, those around you will either influence you or what you do. “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” 1 Corinthian. 15:33 KJV.

This is hard to say but no friend is worthy to be trusted. Thus saith the Lord; cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5 KJV.

So many people are under curse directly and indirectly because the above scripture made it clear. Some parents so much put their trust and confidence in their sons and daughters, these things are not in line with the scripture. Immediately we keep singing the praises of our children above God, our heart has departed from him. It is a capital error to praise the product above the producer. It is also advisable for us to make divinity our first priority. The reason most parents feel disappointed whenever a child chooses or makes decisions different from their ideology is that much trust was placed in such a child. 

Nevertheless, I’m not ruling out completely our idea of trust toward our children but the strength of our trust and confidence should be from God no matter what happens. Regardless of what happens, you will know you never depended on them at first. Also, before any form of discredit emanates, the God you trust will defend his interest in your life. 

About seventeen years ago, a certain lady called Sister Hope as I used to call her filed a divorce with the trust that her joy will finally come but to her surprise, it wasn’t so! She made a remark; “Pastor Clement, if only I had the understanding I have now, I wouldn’t have divorce”. There is no shortcut to true joy and happiness except in Christ Jesus.

She told me how she saved a woman from losing her marriage. The woman came to her to explain how unfaithful her husband was. She said; “I just want to be like you, you see you’re free from husband bondage”! She thought when she divorces her husband, she also will finally be free. Sister Hope’s Response to her was; “don’t let your marriage and husband go, fight for it in the place of prayer until you see the positive manifestation of God’s glory. If you don’t, you will be lonely and a riffraff fellow not up to your husband’s standard will approach you seeking for relationship or sex”.

Sister Hope continued and said; “honestly my friend, you don’t know how often I go to bed lonely. Sometimes, I regret my action of seventeen years ago and I ask God for mercy always”. After their conversation, she was blessed and she made a remark; “I never knew you went through such stuff in secret, thank you for saving my marriage”.

Until your experience becomes a tool for another victory, you’re yet to become a successful person. Every child of God should pull another up from falling. When you fail, don’t watch others fail after you. You rather tell Satan; “you can never get any child of God cheaply the way you got me”.