
Learn from people who have gone ahead of you. Find out what those who fulfilled their destiny do and follow their good examples. Genesis 39vs9. You need to also find out what those who do not fulfill their destiny do and avoid it. Numbers 20vs1-12, 1 Samuel 15vs1-29, 1 Samuel 2vs30, Proverbs 3vs9-10.  

Learn to pray always about your destiny. Matthew 6vs9-10. You must continually ask God in prayers for his purpose or his will for your life, and ask him always to give you the grace to fulfill your destiny in life. Luke 2vs40. It is only by the grace of God that your destiny can be fulfilled and that is why you must ask from God in prayers the grace to fulfill your purpose. 1 Corinthians 15vs10, 2 Corinthians 12vs9. 

Learn and ask from God the Holy Spirit to guide you from time to time. Ephesians 1vs13. Learn to worship God through your communion with the Holy Spirit and ask for the help of the Holy Spirit at all times. Let the Holy Spirit be your anchor, do not rely on your understanding and wisdom; let the Holy Spirit be your eye in the journey of destiny fulfillment. Proverbs 3vs5. 

Learn to surrender to the will of God for your life. John 12vs23-26. It is one thing to ask for God’s purpose for one’s life, and it is another thing for one to be ready to accept the purpose of God for one’s life. If you must fulfill your destiny, you must surrender totally to the will of God for you. To surrender is to die to the flesh and your will. 

Learn more about what you are called to do. You do not need to wait and look, you need to go out and acquire more knowledge about your chosen purpose; and gather more information on how you can be the best in your chosen career. You need to also grow in the knowledge of God for your life. 2 Peter 3vs18, 2 Peter 1vs4. 

Learn to see and declare what you want. You have to start seeing and begin to declare where you are going in your destiny-fulfilling journey. Romans 4vs17. You need to start saying what you want to become. Matthew 12vs37. Keep saying what the Lord had said concerning you prophetically. Psalms 103vs20. When you declare the word of God, angels will begin to activate those words in the spiritual realm. 

Learn to engage in giving, and lifestyle of praise and worship. Psalms 22vs3. Water your field of destiny by engaging in a lifestyle that is full of worship and praise, and giving to god and man. When you engage in worship and praise of God, no enemy can destroy your life or the purpose of God for your life. Matthew 16vs16-18. 

CONCLUSION: Anyone who wants to go far must watch his or her temper. If you want to fulfill destiny, you must honor God. You must know and understand that your destiny is far more important than money; learn to obey god in all things completely. 

Do not have rests until you reach your goal or destiny. No matter how comfortable you become or how rich you become, stay close to God; do not allow your comfort to take you away from God. Philippians 3vs7-14. Let this always be in your mind that many do not reach their destiny because they stopped too soon. You must continually press forward. No matter how high you are today, God will take you higher if you surrender your life and will to him completely through his son Jesus Christ; because if you must fulfill your destiny in life, you must walk with Jesus Christ by surrendering your life to him as your Lord and personal savior; that is when you can get the power and ability to achieve your purpose in life. Deuteronomy 30vs13-19. You will fulfill your destiny in Jesus' name.