
My mission or assignment today is very simple, it is to bring you the word of hope and assurance that you will reach your goal but only if you can follow instructions and do that which is expected of you as a covenant child of God.

You may have been worried about what your tomorrow holds, you may have the fear that you will end up failing just like your parents or seniors but I am telling you today that you will definitely reach your goal and people will celebrate with you. However, I have to let you know that there are steps that you need to take. The following are some out of the many steps that is expected of you.


  • Fix your eyes on your goal. Philippians 3vs13-14, Hebrew 12vs2.

The truth is, many of us, the youths of this generation are not ready to endure the cross. We are not ready to endure the threats that are coming our ways but the real truth is that you must endure some challenges if you must reach your goal. Fixing your eyes on your goal is what will keep you going when the going gets tough with challenges.

Our Lord Jesus Christ faced many challenges in the bit to save the world but he was focused, He fixed his eyes on the goal. That is why he could achieve his purpose of being the Messiah of the world. My fellow youths, you need to fix your eyes on the goal if you must reach your goal. 

  • Deuteronomy 31vs6, Joshua 1vs7, Philippians 1vs28.

You have to surmount courage if you must reach your goal. There are lots of things that will want to discourage you from achieving your goal, you will have to encourage yourself because nobody can encourage you better than yourself.

Your friends, your family, your parents, government policies etc. may want to serve as factors of discouragement but you must not give up as a youth because God has given you strength and you must use it to your advantage as a Christian youth. Encourage yourself even if everything around you is not encouraging because that is the way you can reach your goal. 

  • Readiness for Sacrifice. Nehemiah 5vs14v-18.

Friends, you need to know that nothing goes for nothing. If you are not ready to make sacrifice(s), I can tell you categorically that you should forget about your goal because there is no way you want to reach your goal without sacrificing something.

The sacrifice that we have to make as an individual is different but the truth is, you need to be ready to make sacrifice if you have to reach your goal. Your own sacrifice may be your time, it may be your service, it may be your comfort zone, it may be your money, and you may need to give out something to achieve your goal.

If it is money that you want, you have to give, that is the principle (Luke 6vs38). If you want to be successful academically, you have to sacrifice your time by giving yourself to studying of your books (Proverbs 22vs29). It is very easy for you to reach your goal or goals if you are ready to make sacrifice(s). 

  • Right Motive.

Your motive for that goal will determine if God will help you or not. As a Christian youth and as a child of God, you need God’s help in everything that you are doing or you want to do; God’s help extended to man is called GRACE. However, if God will supply grace, He's as much interested in knowing the motive behind your goal. That is, he will look at the reason(s) why you want to achieve that set goal.

Are you setting goals to frustrate and oppress humanity or to be a blessing to humanity? Your motive will determine whether you will achieve your goal or not. This is why you must have the right motive because that is when you can enjoy the help of God in achieving your goal. 

  • Job 11vs14-15, Job 17vs9.

Thomas Alva Edison, the man who invented the light bulb was asked; what got him not to give up the vision of inventing the light bulb after he had failed 1000 times? He said, he did not count it as failure but sees it all as golden opportunity of having to know 1000 ways of how a light bulb cannot be made. That singular attitude of Thomas Edison is what I call perseverance. Perseverance is going on with your goal even when you feel like abandoning the goal. Perseverance is focusing and working on your goal even when everyone is saying you cannot achieve it. 


  • 2 Chronicles 29vs31.

In my mother tongue, they will say; you can only force a horse to the stream but you cannot force the same to drink water. You can be compelled or propelled to have a vision or goal or run with a goal but your willingness to achieve the goal is very paramount. Let me say it to you in plain language; you will reach your goals if you are willing to.

CONCLUSION: You need to also understand that there are many things that can stand as obstacles on your way to reaching your goals. The power has been given to you to either destroy these obstacles or to elevate them. Sin is the number one obstacle or enemy that does not want you to reach your goal (2 Corinthians 7vs1, Hebrew 12vs1). As a youth that want to reach his or her goal, you have to run away from sin totally.

Another obstacle or enemy is your wrong associate or friends (1 Kings 12vs7-11, 1 King 12vs16). If you are moving with the wrong associate, it will be very difficult for you to reach your goal because as you are trying to run towards your goals, they will keep dragging you back.

If you love the things of this world above your God-given goal or vision, it means you are not ready to reach your goal (1 John 2vs15-17). This is because you have to choose between your goal and the enjoyment of the world. Do not forget that I told you earlier above that, if you want to reach your goal, you must be ready to sacrifice and part of the sacrifice that you have to make is to reject the love of the world. Many destinies have been aborted and many goals have been thwarted because they chose to go with the love and enjoyment in the world.

The Lord Jesus Christ is ready to help you achieve your goal if only you will allow him. You can only allow him by accepting him as your Lord and savior, by forsaking your sinful ways and by confessing them to Jesus Christ. Surrender your will to Jesus Christ, ask him to cleanse you with his blood and you will see yourself on the way to reaching your goal. Hallelujah