If you need wisdom, you must be able to burn a candle; you must be able to ask God and give yourself to studying. The word of God says to study to show thyself approved. 2 Timothy 2vs15.

You must be ready to study if you want to secure wisdom from God; because it is what you study that the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance. 

Another way to secure wisdom is to ask God for it. Solomon asked God for wisdom when he had the opportunity to ask for wealth and the lives of his enemies, but he asked for wisdom. 1 Kings 3vs6-13. Solomon gave an offering to secure wisdom; you must be ready to give your time to studying to secure wisdom from God. Do not be wise in your own eyes, humble yourself before God and man so that they can show you what you need to know. Search for information; give yourself to studying, search deep. Matthew 7vs7-8. When you read a book, it means you are standing on the shoulder of the writer to see beyond what he or she is seeing or has seen.

To possess power from God, be ready to be separated unto Him (God). Acts 2vs1-4. You must get rid of every form of distraction and sin. Romans 6vs2. 

The power of God can only dwell in a holy vessel. You must be holy to secure God's power; you must be ready to separate yourself to God just like the people in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. It takes a separate heart to receive the flow of the power of God.

For you to receive an answer to your request, be ready to pray like never before. 1 Thessalonians 5vs16-18. You need to give yourself to prayer until something happens.

If you desire the authority of God to be working on your tongue, you need to soak yourself in prayer, because prayer is the key to the realm of God. Prayer is the lifeline that you have to God. When you give yourself to prayer, you will be working and walking in the miraculous.

If you want to enjoy the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, guide your eye, ear, mouth, and mind. This is because what you see or hear has so much to do with the state of your mind. Your eyes and ears are the gateway to your heart (mind).

When you control what you consume through your eyes and ears, you will be able to maintain your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

If you want fulfillment of God’s promises and fulfillment of prophecies in your life, you need to act on achieving them with prayer. The Bible says miracles will not happen except by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17vs20-21.

Your mind needs to focus on what God has promised you, not what the devil and his hosts are offering. Genesis 39vs7-9, Matthew 4vs1-11. Let your focus be on what God is saying not the song the devil is singing into your ears.

CONCLUSION: For you to gain heaven, you must be ready to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. John 14vs6. Nobody can go to the Father (God) except through Him.

If you must gain heaven, you must gain Jesus Christ first; accept His Lordship into your life. He loves you, accept Him into your heart today and you will not remain the same again.