Let your focus be on your purpose one hundred percent.

Do not give room for distraction from any angle. Many things will fight for your attention in the journey to achieve your purpose, things that have nothing or no value to your purpose in life will call for your attention; you are the one that will determine if you will allow them or not. Focusing on your purpose in life will help and aid you to arrive in the land of fulfillment earlier than others.

Do not bury your head for the challenges you will face. Romans 8vs28, John 16vs33.

The truth is, in your way of achieving your purpose in life, you will face many challenges and difficulties. But, it is only when you do not quit that you can sing the song of success. You need to know that challenges are part of success stories, that is why you must not give up in the face of challenges or tribulations, and continue to push till you get your expected results. Be persistent in your journey of achieving your purpose in life. Proverbs 24vs10, Hebrews 12vs2-3.

You must seek more knowledge and information about your purpose.

David in 1 Samuel 17 seeks more information about the personality of Goliath, he seeks to know the knowledge of what will happen (What will be done) to the person to achieve the purpose of overcoming Goliath. After you have identified your purpose in life, what you need to do is to acquire more knowledge about the thing you want to do.

Pray about your purpose. Philippians 4vs6, 1 Thessalonians 5vs17.

The reason why you need to pray is because, as you are thinking of achieving your purpose, there may be physical or spiritual forces or powers that will not want you to achieve your purpose.

You need to commit your ways to God's hands. Proverbs 3vs5, Psalms 4vs5, Psalms 32vs10, Proverbs 11vs28.

Let God be your number one priority, let him guide you because he has the manual for your purpose in his hand.

CONCLUSION: It is very easy for you to achieve your purpose when you are in God through Jesus Christ. When you are in Christ, he will not let you live a wasteful life.

Jesus Christ is the only person who can supply all the resources that you need to achieve your purpose. Philippians 4vs19. If you do want to crash in the journey of purpose, you need Jesus Christ because the fulfillment of your purpose is hidden in him.