Seeds are usually small hard parts produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow. It can also be seen as anything that provides inspiration for later work or the beginning of a feeling or a development that continues to grow.

This gives us an understanding that seeds don’t die. Though it might take longer, but it will still speak, it will grow and harvest will come. Just as we have it in the practical term in the case of the farmer – farmers plant different things at different seasons and are sure of harvest because anytime there is a seed on the ground, it is the law of nature to breathe on it and make it yields fruit at the right season. Genesis 8:22

So also, every man on earth is a farmer, you have one thing or the other either in your hands or that you do and day in and day out we are planting. We are sowing and for sure harvest time is going to come. It is very important therefore that men should be careful how they live their lives, it doesn’t matter good or bad, the day of harvest will surely come.

The bible enjoins us in the book of Galatians 6:7-10, to be careful of what we sow for we cannot fool the Lord of the harvest, it is what we sow that we will surely reap. If you sow to the flesh, that is your selfish desire, you’ll reap the harvest of destruction, just as a practical farmer can’t sow a bad seed and expect a good harvest. Also, if you follow the spirit, you will harvest eternal life.

Life happens, the good and the bad but they that love His instructions will have great peace and will not stumble (Psalm 119:165), allow the spirit to lead you as you carry your seed about this year, and ensure you have the right seed at all times. He’ll lead you to where to deposit them. 

Wise sowers sow on the multitude of fields, sow financially to the Lord on tithe, offering, first fruit, and the work of the Lord. Sow to the poor, you are only lending to the Lord (Proverbs 19:17). To your parents, (Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 20:20-22) honor them with the good seed God has provided you with. Each time you do, you are only giving them the love and you will be blessed for it (Genesis 27:2-4); even to your family, sow the seed of honor. Honor and respect all men, sow the seed of obedience both to God and every authority. God has placed over you in the fear of God (Romans 13:1-2). Sow the seed of diligence in all you do, either secular or spiritual, whatever your hands find doing, do with all your might (Proverbs 22, Ecclesiastes 9:10). 

Don’t look at whom you sow to, all you need to know is that in your field you have many seeds sown. Seeds are the secret to controlling the earth. Investible field yields a lot. When you get used to seed sowing, you will never go down, and your faith goes up when you look at your soil for spiritual seeds don’t die and they don’t lie. 

Never allow a day to go by without seed sowing, be a source of blessing. There are numerous ways to do this, and it is definitely coming back to you. Sow bountifully that you can reap bountifully (Ecclesiastes. 11:6, 2 Corinthians. 9:6). 

And in conclusion, always wet your seed with gratitude for only God can make all grace abound, as you patiently wait for your harvest with your faith unshaken your harvest will come. (Hebrews 6:10-12) and remember harvest is usually bigger than the seed sown (Mark 4:30-32)